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Just found out by looking at the live feed that the two judges that I always strongly disagree with are both judging in finals. This includes the guy from last year who had CTJ last in music GE. Strangely enough, he's judging the exact same caption this year. Some variety you got there, BOA. Haha... I don't think the finals results are going to be what I expect (a devastating blow to my ego, I know :P), but at least it doesn't change the fact that it's going to be a really, really awesome finals filled with jaw-dropping performances. Best of luck to all! Don't view the thing as some end all, be all competition. Really, it's about showing off all the hard work you've done over the past few months. Just have fun with it, and remember to watch your drum major! Heh. The echo in the Alamodome can be brutal!

  On 10/17/2013 at 3:40 AM, scoobydoo said:

Well RR has been around for a while and more of a UIL style. They changed over to a BOA style band in 2010 with a change in staff. So for a band that just recently changed in that sense making finals in 2011 and 2012 at San Antonio is no small feat.



I just want to say that cedar ridge has done wonderful things compared to where they started.  If you look at where they came from, yes....less than 10% of their population did come from round rock but the majority came from the 'east side' of round rock ie - stoney point which has never been a major force in marching.  


The directors at cedar ridge came in with a huge vision and have pushed those kids with a vengeance.   Those kids will live and die for that band program.  They eat, sleep and dream marching.   I remember my son in the director's office and I was talking to him about something else and a metronome was turned on.  My son started marching automatically.   The director was like the evil dictator in a play   Yeeeeees my pretttttyyyy.  MARCH!  It was crazy.  They have these kids really working their hearts out for the director.  


Either way I just want to say, these kids and the directors had an uphill battle and fought their way up.  I honestly believe a LOT of the credit goes to the directors.  Our kids at cedar ridge can play.  You can see that from how many go to region music each year but that is a LOT because of the heart and soul put into this program by the directors Mr. Mark Calima and Mr. Ryan Brittain.   They have built this program from the ground up and they have really achieved great things.  They have had several students place individually in state and their show this year collectively has a really good shot at placing at a national level.   


Round Rock as a community will be well represented with Round Rock High school as well as Cedar Ridge high school - fully represented!  I really think they can both make finals.  I love both of their shows. 


I just wanted to post because I really don't think Cedar Ridge's story is like other schools that split from an established band.  I really feel these directors built from the ground up and worked for it.   I have a freshman and a sophomore in the band and as well as a middle school child up and coming and I am SO excited to see where this team goes. 


Congrats Cedar Ridge!  Whatever you do from here on - you have played wonderfully this year and have a great shot at grand nationals.  As parents, we are all proud of you!

  On 11/2/2013 at 2:50 AM, Lynn said:



I just want to say that cedar ridge has done wonderful things compared to where they started.  If you look at where they came from, yes....less than 10% of their population did come from round rock but the majority came from the 'east side' of round rock ie - stoney point which has never been a major force in marching.  


The directors at cedar ridge came in with a huge vision and have pushed those kids with a vengeance.   Those kids will live and die for that band program.  They eat, sleep and dream marching.   I remember my son in the director's office and I was talking to him about something else and a metronome was turned on.  My son started marching automatically.   The director was like the evil dictator in a play   Yeeeeees my pretttttyyyy.  MARCH!  It was crazy.  They have these kids ready working their hearts out for the director.  


Either way I just want to say, these kids and the directors had an uphill battle and fought their way up.  I honestly believe a LOT of the credit goes to the directors.  Our kids at cedar ridge can play.  You can see that from how many go to region music each year but that is a LOT because of the heart and soul put into this program by the directors Mr. Mark Calima and Mr. Ryan Brittain.   They have built this program from the ground up and they have really achieved great things.  They have had several students place individually in state and their show this year collectively has a really good shot at placing at a national level.   


Round Rock as a community will be well represented with Round Rock High school as well as Cedar Ridge high school fully represented.   I really think they can both make finals.  I love both of their shows. 


I just wanted to post because I really don't think Cedar Ridge's story is like other schools that split from an established band.  I really feel these directors built from the ground up and worked for it.   I have a freshman and a sophomore in the band and as well as a middle school child up and coming and I am SO excited to see where this team goes. 


Congrats Cedar Ridge!  Whatever you do from here on - you have played wonderfully this year and have a great shot at grand nationals.  As parents, we are all proud of you!

I agree band kids eat,sleep and dream marching.

  On 11/2/2013 at 5:22 PM, arleonard24 said:

Hey what do you guys think of Churchill? Do you think they would make finals?

I definitely think they have a shot. There are a TON of bands that I would say have legitimate shot at making it. There have been so many finalist caliber shows (including Churchill) that I am flat out stumped on who I think will make finals. More than I ever have been before. Going in to BOA SA I thought I had a good idea of who the finalists were going to be, but so many bands are incredible this year that I have no idea. Someone on the live blog just said this is like "Grand Nationals South", and I whole-heartedly agree. This has been by FAR the best prelims I have ever seen at any marching contest simply because of the insane quantity of finalist caliber performances. So basically, it's a situation where I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't make finals, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did make finals. They were fantastic for sure! I guess we will have to wait and see...



1. Hebron HS, TX
2. Claudia T. Johnson HS, TX
3. Marcus HS, TX

Outstanding Music Performance: Coppell HS, TX
Outstanding Visual Performance: The Woodlands HS, TX
Outstanding General Effect: Claudia T. Johnson HS, TX

1. Vandegrift HS, TX
2. Cedar Park HS, TX
3. Leander HS, TX

Outstanding Music Performance: Cedar Park HS, TX
Outstanding Visual Performance: Vandegrift HS, TX
Outstanding General Effect: Vandegrift HS, TX

1. Aledo HS, TX
2. Azle HS, TX
3. Waller HS, TX

Outstanding Music Performance: Aledo HS, TX
Outstanding Visual Performance: Aledo HS, TX
Outstanding General Effect: Azle HS, TX

1. Hidalgo HS, TX
2. Pearsall HS, TX
3. Llano HS, TX

Outstanding Music Performance: Hidalgo HS, TX
Outstanding Visual Performance: Hidalgo HS, TX
Outstanding General Effect: Hidalgo HS, TX

Westlake HS, TX
James Bowie HS, TX
Marcus HS, TX
Hebron HS, TX
Coppell HS, TX
Vandegrift HS, TX
The Woodlands HS, TX
Round Rock HS, TX
L.D. Bell HS, TX
Cedar Ridge HS, TX
Ronald Reagan HS, TX
Blue Springs HS, MO
Claudia T. Johnson HS, TX
Cedar Park HS, TX



- All Grant Nat attendees at this competition (Marcus, LD Bell, TWHS, Cedar Ridge, Round Rock, and Blue Springs) made finals

- The only grand nat attendee to place was Marcus

- Surprised that TWHS did not place in the top 3 (and winning what i figured was their weakest category, visual performance)

- Coppell came out of nowhere and won music performance

- Did not expect Hebron to be class champ without any captions


Prediction: The top 6 in prelims (assuming LD bell, TWHS, and Bowie made 4-6 in no particular order) will probably flip flop. I also believe the captions are going to be entirely different tonight also. So incredibly excited to see what happens!



Congrats to Blue Springs for making finals in the most difficult BOA super regional in the country, and HUGE congrats to Vandegrift and Cedar Ridge for finally breaking through and making SA finals! 


Gotta think Coppell might be in the mix of the top 6 with that music caption. Blue Springs might be that mix too, that show was impressive! I'm thinking the top is really crowded and I totally agree we can see an entirely different result in finals. 2 bands that won captions didn't place and 2 bands that placed didn't win captions? What? Don't think that will get much more resolved in finals! It'll be a fight!

I'll also give a quick shoutout to Westlake - when was the last time this band missed finals in anything?? They always seem to be on the bubble list for these competitions (5A State, BOA SA) and yet they always work their way into finals! The consistency of this band deserves some credit! Props to them!


I'm disappoint that I won't get to see Anderson in finals. I absolutely loved their show! 


I think that this is going to be a very interesting finals. I am very interested in seeing how the judge switch between prelims and finals will affect the placement. Placements aside, I have been waiting to watch this competition since the beginning of October. 


I am so glad that we get to see Cedar Ridge and Vandegrift perform in finals. lkdsafjlkdsajflkj <-too much excitement.


This is gonna make for some fun discussion...Gotta love when things get mixed up. Many thoughts, but I'll just say for now, congratz to the Woodlands and all the finalist bands! Unbelievable!

  On 11/3/2013 at 5:01 AM, Chupacabra1222 said:

Marcus in 8th... Homework- when was last time Marcus placed 8th at any contest before this?

A loooong time ago. I was pretty shocked, to say the least. The results had me raising eyebrows several times. I didn't really agree with the judging, but MY GOSH. The performances??? That was the best SA Regional ever, hands down.


I'm so angry with myself for missing this competition. I decided not to go at the last minute AND I'M PULLING MY SHORT SPIKY ASIAN HAIR OUT BECAUSE OF IT.


Maybe if I went, I could have influenced another .1 for Hebron! This was a nailbiter for sure.

So proud to see Hebron up there. I remember when we shouted for joy just for making finals at BOA events and now they're winning and placing at easily the hardest regional in the nation. SO COOL

  On 11/3/2013 at 5:06 AM, melindallas said:

So, working from LHSax comment....Any comments as to what went so wrong for Bell and Marcus?

I thought they were great. Both top 6 in my book. I have absolutely no idea how Marcus and Bell placed so low. I'm pretty... um... shocked at the results.




Congrats to Vandergrift on their first finals appearance! They finally did it!

Also, congrats to Cedar Ridge on their first BOA SA finals appearance as well! Good luck at Grand Nationals!

And congrats to The Woodlands on their first BOA SA win!

  On 11/3/2013 at 5:10 AM, ~ME~ said:

I thought they were great. Both top 6 in my book. I have absolutely no idea how Marcus and Bell placed so low. I'm not usually one to talk bad about judges, so I won't say anymore about scores, but MAN. Pretty... shocked.

I agree that 7-8 was shockingly low, but seeing them lower than normal wasn't surprising. And I really don't think it had to do with things going wrong for them either...I just think everyone else has risen to their level in the past couple of years, and they can't keep doing the same things they've been doing to dominate the contest for a majority of the last decade.


I think that one thing that everyone should look at is the overall point spread. It is roughly 7 points between first and 14th! (Only 6 between 1st and 13th) Now compare that to a year ago when the spread was 13 points. It is clear that this years finalist were all VERY close to each other and as a result those judges had to be splitting hairs to choose between bands. All that said...I want to see recaps!

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