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Did all the Texas bands end up on Friday by coincidence or did they choose the day on which they wanted to perform for what I'm assuming are logistical reasons?


Also I'm going to go ahead and make the guess right now: A Texas band will come in first place in Friday's prelims :D


Scheduling takes into account travel distance and logistics in order to make it easier for further away bands to attend and minimize their travel/hotel costs.


I should know this, but how many bands are taken from each day for semi-finals? 


That is a fantastic question that has to be answered over and over again as the answer is so complex.


From the 2012 BOA GN Program:



Selection of Semi-Finalists:


Thirty (30) bands (or more if necessary to accommodate participation by all classes) will advance to Semi-Finals. Three criteria will be used to select Semi-Finalist bands:


- The 11 highest scoring bands in each Prelims (22 total), regardless of class, will advance; plus

- The next eight (8) highest scoring bands from a combination of the scores from the two Prelims, regardless of class, will advance; plus

- The two (2) highest scoring bands from each of the four classes from each Prelims, should they not already be among the bands selected on the basis of the two criteria above, will advance.


In the event bands are selected to compete in Semi-Finals only on the basis of their classification, and are not among the bands selected on the basis of scores, those bands will be slated by draw to perform first in the earliest performance block in Semi-Finals. The start time for Semi-Finals will be adjusted (earlier) as necessary to accommodate more than thirty (30) performances.




- Top 11 from each day

- Next 8 highest scores across both days

- Class Representation



Semis Performance Order:


- Class Representation (Random)

- 4 of the lowest 8 scores (Random) (not necessarily the "Next 8")

- Top 22 scores (Random) (not necessarily the "Top 11" from each day)

- 4 of the lowest 8 scores (Random) (not necessarily the "Next 8")



Typically, there are 34ish bands in Semis.


Hopefully, the top 5 on Friday are Texas bands!

I totally agree with your Texas band statement but in my opinion.. The Weodlands High Schools show this year is AMAZING.. To say the least!


I worry about Bell, Marcus and TWHS having the capability to make the same splash they did in 2009...especially with the product Carmel (IN) and Avon (IN) having been putting out the past 4 years.  They won't have to deal with Broken Arrow (OK), Tarpon Springs (FL), Union (OK) or Kennesaw Mountain (GA) and Marian Catholic might not be as big of an obstacle as they often are, so things could work out for them.

It'll be interesting to see how Round Rock and Cedar Ridge do.  I think Cedar Ridge's low placement at Austin and high placement at Conroe is a good indicator that their show likely has enough depth to peak at nationals and get them into finals.  Though last year they made Top 5 at Conroe, but got 25th at San Antonio, so it's difficult to tell how they will do.

I think Round Rock can make finals...especially if judges viewed their show to be on the same playing field as Bowie @ Westlake.


Honestly, the only band out of Texas that could win nationals this year is The Woodlands. It'll probably be Avon or Carmel, though who knows what will happen. So many things go into a national championship. It's difficult to predict. Honestly, I'm somewhat in love with Marian Catholic's show this year. Maybe that's weird, but I love it.


I have this gut feeling for broken arrow to take the title, but we never know. Some of these Texas bands have a good shot. In my opinion after watching the woodlands and round rock's shows I will say it could be a Texas band taking it home.


I know it's early, and I'll probably change them after BOA San Antonio, but here are my predictions. 


1) The Woodlands

2) Avon

3) LD Bell


4) Marcus

5) Carmel


6) William Mason 


7) Blue Springs

8) Round Rock

9) Marian Catholic


10) Cedar Ridge


11) Center Grove

12) Lawrence Central


Music: Avon

Visual: The Woodlands/Avon

GE: The Woodlands/LD Bell


  • I'm not sure about the bottom two spots - I feel like it's anyone's game this year. 
  • I feel like Mason is going to move up this year. 
  • I think it's going to be a battle for the eagle between TW, Avon, and Bell. I'm not too sure about Marcus or Carmel this year. 
  • Round Rock, Cedar Ridge, and Blue Springs have a very strong chance of making finals this year. 
  • There's going to be another battle between Marian Catholic, Blue Springs, and Round Rock. 

Sorry I meant to say I HAD gut feeling for broken arrow but since they aren't competing (which is shame), I am rooting for the woodlands to make in impact. Idk why but something in my mind said broken arrow was going, I guess cause when I think grand nationals I think Broken arrow and how great they are every year, but just realizing again that they aren't going, I will have to say the woodlands have really impressed me this year.


With BOA San Antonio completed, here are my new predictions for Grand Nationals:


1) The Woodlands

2) Avon

3) Carmel


4) LD Bell

5) Marcus

6) Blue Springs

7) Mason

8) Cedar Ridge

9) Round Rock

10) Marian Catholic





Music: Avon

Visual: The Woodlands

GE: The Woodlands

Bubble Bands for 11/12 spots:

  • American Fork
  • Ayala
  • Ben Davis
  • Center Grove
  • Centerville
  • Harrison
  • Lake Central
  • Lawrence Central
  • Plymouth-Canton

After BOA Indianapolis, the predictions are likely to change (again). Anyone else have predictions? 


I'm not going to make my official predictions until after BOA Indianapolis. But I will say these are my top 3:


1) The Woodlands - They have everything going for them. One of their best shows and it's on the anniversary of Spring and Westfield's win as well (I can dream, right?)

2) Carmel - Have been climbing all season and I think they'll peak/overtake Avon

3) Avon



From the point of view of an overly proud Texan, I really wish Marcus had chosen to go last year and Hebron to go this year in Marcus' place. Marcus would have likely won in 2012, and I think Hebron would make the top 4 this year.


Random observation: Does anybody else notice a similarity between Carmel and Hebron? Here are my thoughts:


1. Both are probably the best group in terms of music performance in their respective state this year, or are at least very close.

2. Their shows tend to show off individual sections. 

3. They tend to have shows that are never in your face, but as somebody said elsewhere (probably MFA forums) "burn slowly throughout."

4. They both have blue uniforms.


Am I right, or am I right?


I'm not going to make my official predictions until after BOA Indianapolis. But I will say these are my top 3:


1) The Woodlands - They have everything going for them. One of their best shows and it's on the anniversary of Spring and Westfield's win as well (I can dream, right?)

2) Carmel - Have been climbing all season and I think they'll peak/overtake Avon

3) Avon



From the point of view of an overly proud Texan, I really wish Marcus had chosen to go last year and Hebron to go this year in Marcus' place. Marcus would have likely won in 2012, and I think Hebron would make the top 4 this year.


Random observation: Does anybody else notice a similarity between Carmel and Hebron? Here are my thoughts:


1. Both are probably the best group in terms of music performance in their respective state this year, or are at least very close.

2. Their shows tend to show off individual sections. 

3. They tend to have shows that are never in your face, but as somebody said elsewhere (probably MFA forums) "burn slowly throughout."

4. They both have blue uniforms.


Am I right, or am I right?

I would agree about Marcus and Hebron switching years.  The Guilded show of Marcus last year was awesome.  This years show, Charmed, just isn't Marcus like.  Not because of the band, those kids can play like no other band, but because of the show itself.  I wish them luck but agree last years show would have kicked butt. 


Hebron had a great run this year. I agree they would have done well at GN.  I have never seen Carmel but have only heard great things about them.  I hope Hebron goes next year.  Those kids can flat out play.  Great program.


Go Texas!!!!!  And Blue Springs.  I thought they were great in San Antonio!!!  Hope they come back next year.


Did anyone notice that the music performance and the music GE judges did not agree on Marcus' performance in BOA SA finals? I'm really interested in seeing how Marcus is judged at this competition.


Also, Cedar Ridge flat out beat Bell in Music performance. What got CR was their visual package, which definitely needed cleaning, so I'm interested in seeing how much they'll be able to clean up in the past two weeks.


Given the scores at BOA SA, do y'all think we can forecast these bands' scores at G'nats or will the judging be significant different?


The attached file kind of shows how the Indianapolis and San Antonio BOA finalists compare to each other. The scores are a week apart, but give a fairly close comparison. I think it shows just how difficult the San Antonio finals is compared to the Indianapolis finals. Be sure to look at both pages as the 2nd page shows the comparisons of the bands that are going to the Grand Nationals. I find it interesting that of these 26 finalists, only 3 of the top twelve scores were of Indy finalists. And they had an extra week to prepare...


Indy vs. SA Finalist.pdf


Cool spreadsheet!


Normally I would say you can't compare scores across different competitions, but in this case they actually seem to be fairly comparable. We can infer that Avon, Carmel, and the Woodlands are at roughly the same place and quality right now and they all scored about within 1 point of each other in the 92-93 area. This is while the other GN competing bands at both competitions scored roughly in the 87-89 range. The score spread between the top group to the lower one is about the same (~5 points). Now since at San Antonio the 6-11 group flip-flopped just as 3-6 did at Indianapolis, I think that it shows how close those middle-range groups are going to be to each other. TWHS, Carmel, and Avon are all going to be at the top (and I'm thinking it'll be a battle between The Woodlands and Carmel). Therefore I think we'll see a significant point drop to the other GN groups we saw at these competitions (Blue Springs, Marcus, LD Bell, CR, RR, Lawrence Central, Lake Central, MC, and Centerville). Unfortunately, since both groups flip-floppd, we still can't really make too accurate of a prediction based on scores. HOWEVER, I do believe that Marcus is going to fall towards the top of this pack.


Sorry if this was too wordy, but I hope I got my point of cross that I think these scores are somewhat comparable (If only they hadn't all flip-flopped!).


Cool spreadsheet!


Normally I would say you can't compare scores across different competitions, but in this case they actually seem to be fairly comparable. We can infer that Avon, Carmel, and the Woodlands are at roughly the same place and quality right now and they all scored about within 1 point of each other in the 92-93 area. This is while the other GN competing bands at both competitions scored roughly in the 87-89 range. The score spread between the top group to the lower one is about the same (~5 points). Now since at San Antonio the 6-11 group flip-flopped just as 3-6 did at Indianapolis, I think that it shows how close those middle-range groups are going to be to each other. TWHS, Carmel, and Avon are all going to be at the top (and I'm thinking it'll be a battle between The Woodlands and Carmel). Therefore I think we'll see a significant point drop to the other GN groups we saw at these competitions (Blue Springs, Marcus, LD Bell, CR, RR, Lawrence Central, Lake Central, MC, and Centerville). Unfortunately, since both groups flip-floppd, we still can't really make too accurate of a prediction based on scores. HOWEVER, I do believe that Marcus is going to fall towards the top of this pack.


Sorry if this was too wordy, but I hope I got my point of cross that I think these scores are somewhat comparable (If only they hadn't all flip-flopped!).


What I would like to see is these 26 plus maybe Harrison and Plymouth-Canton compete directly - same day, same contest. Actually, add Broken Arrow, Tarpon Springs, Kennesaw, Union, Owasso, Lafayette (LA), and Wando. Now THAT would be a contest to attend!! I'd pay big money to be at that one. Have a prelims and a finals of the top 12. One term comes to mind -- bloodbath!

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