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I wouldn't count Dawson out of the top 5 because they have been right behind Friendswood, and 4/5 times beat them in ensemble music. And Dawson was also only 1 point away from winning area F, the scores being 1,2,2,1,1 for Friendswood, and 1,1,2,2,2 for Dawson. Both of these bands have amazing shows and have a chance to really dominate.  


I might be slightly biased since I am also a Dawson student.

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I would argue that Friendswood's music is harder than Dawson's. I do think your argument is slightly biased since Friendswood has more room for improvement in the category of music. However, I never counted out Dawson as a contender for top 5.

Every band has room for improvement in music as well as visual, so what you are saying is inconsequential because it comes down to who executes their music and their drill better.  Not saying Friendswood music is harder or isn't harder than Dawson's, but they wont get more credit for it if they cant execute it as well as Dawson can execute their music.  In this case Friendswood has consistently executed their drill better while Dawson has consistently executed their music better(except for once in area F pre-lims). I would also say that your comment is also biased.

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I am a Friendswood guy so I can't really offer any unbiased predictions on state, but i can say that anyone who tries to insult Dawson or Friendswood just hasn't seen these bands. They have two amazing shows that are two completely different styles. Dawson's brass plays incredibly beautiful on the ballad type music, while Friendswood jam packs their show wth fast music and fast marching.

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Tomball Memorial was very impressive. It is a young program from what I understand. I see them becoming a strong contender in area F. I did not get to see Barber's Hill, but I am thrilled for them. It is very exciting to see area F sending 4 bands to state this year.


Of course I want our band to come out on top, i am a band mom after all, but I am looking forward to our area being represented well at state and am pulling for all four bands!,


The competition will be tough so focus on being your best and don't get caught up in the rivalry nonsense. A good rivalry works to motivate, but if taken too far, can become a distraction. So my advise is rise above the nonsense and work hard to be your best. All of you should be very proud - enjoy it!!!

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I had Friendswood, Dawson, and Tomball Memorial advancing to state but was very surprised at Barbers Hill. They have been 3A for a long time and moved up to 4A back in 2007 i think. They made the state marching band contest twice in 1998 and 2000 as 3A. They had a nice clean James Bond show but didn't expect them to make the finals much less state.


I was disappointed Lumberton didn't make it. I saw all the Area F bands yesterday and Lumberton had one of the largest crowd reactions of the contest behind Dawson and Friendswood. Too bad there wasn't 25+ bands at the contest.


Congratulations to all the advancing bands from Area F.


One other thing, I was trying to record all the prelims but i couldn't get a clear video of Friendswood. Some over-exhuberant parent was waving miniature flags and couldn't find a good shot around her and ending up missing a good part of Friendswood's opener.

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I had Friendswood, Dawson, and Tomball Memorial advancing to state but was very surprised at Barbers Hill. They have been 3A for a long time and moved up to 4A back in 2007 i think. They made the state marching band contest twice in 1998 and 2000 as 3A. They had a nice clean James Bond show but didn't expect them to make the finals much less state.


I was disappointed Lumberton didn't make it. I saw all the Area F bands yesterday and Lumberton had one of the largest crowd reactions of the contest behind Dawson and Friendswood. Too bad there wasn't 25+ bands at the contest.


Congratulations to all the advancing bands from Area F.


One other thing, I was trying to record all the prelims but i couldn't get a clear video of Friendswood. Some over-exhuberant parent was waving miniature flags and couldn't find a good shot around her and ending up missing a good part of Friendswood's opener.

Please post it anyways, I loving watching your videos :) also did you not record finals?

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http://www.uilforms.com/regions/19/AreaMarching/RESULTS/2013%20Area%20F%20Finals.PDF This is the finals results for Area F, Friendswood and Dawson neck-and-neck with each other.  Congrats to Barbers Hill and Tomball Memorial for also advancing to state!!  Excited to see where these guys will finish at state, they are all really good!!!

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Please post it anyways, I loving watching your videos :) also did you not record finals?


i did not stay for finals. I was too tired. I am slowly posting them. I have 14/23 bands uploaded as I type this. You know where to find my videos.


My brother and I will be at state recording 1A/2A prelims and 4A finals.

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