BluedevilinWHS Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 I know of schools that have this problem, yet still manage to go out and kick butt. I'm just wondering. Quote
bored2damax Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Our band is not very dedicated. I really want to do good but people in my band dont give a crap but yet they want to win something. It shows when we split up into concert season. Only our top band does really good because everyone in that band is dedicated, I was in the top band last year and most likely will be in it too this year. Quote
R e a g a n.clarinet Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 99% of our band is very dedicated and smart about everything. But then there's always those few people... and I believe every band has them. Quote
Fortisimo Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 Our band is... pretty horrible about that. And we don't practice near as much as every one else either... but we hold our own alright. Quote
chickora Posted November 12, 2005 Posted November 12, 2005 I have a huge problem with this, sometimes I spend all night contemplating about it. It took us a week before to grab a hold of everyone and get their work ethic up. If we were to start earlier with our work ethic..Especially at the Summer Camps, our show would be so awesome, but no one cares. When we found out we got 2nd at Westlake is when the entire attitude changed. The entire time we were silent and then that Monday for UIL Band Practice. It was a really cold day, rainy too..and so that was already a given that our focus wasn't good.. So after the warm-up.. Mr. Stein(bd) was like, "Okay guys, Go ahead and warm yourself up and play long tones.." As soon as he said that, some kid started playing the show.. Ehem, Lowbrass kid, if I may add. lol Mr. Stein started ranting on how why we are so focused at comp., but yet we still have one more left and you don't have focus on the only day we can rehearse. It's like we got some Scitzofrenic(sp?) band. It was rather funny, again disapointing. I feel sorry for the ones who REALLY do work hard. Quote
Fortisimo Posted November 13, 2005 Posted November 13, 2005 Lol, well, we weren't really focused until the 3rd to last rehearsal of the season so... yeah... Quote
TRtrumpet Posted November 13, 2005 Posted November 13, 2005 10% if the band stays focused. Sadly like 40% of them dont care... Every one starts to get serious AFTER our first comp when its to late. Quote
Xukaniz Posted November 13, 2005 Posted November 13, 2005 Our band was filled with focus this year (the officers made sure of that). However, no matter how focused we were, we still got regulated on at BOA Arlington. 28th out of 29, ouch.... Not sure how to take that lol. Quote
trumPITplayer Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 our band has some focus issues. especially the drumline and pit. we never are dedicated even though we never get our full 8 hours... but the last week before super regionals we really pulled it together because our directors kept asking us 'how bad do you want it?' we still manage to do well despite our focus problems and stuff Quote
shmily1130 Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 With our band, I would say most of the people are focused, but there are certain people that don't, or certain parts in the show when people start to lose that focus. I know with us (front ensemble) we are usually pretty focused. As for the rest of the band... Quote
Backwards Clarinet Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Ugh! It makes me so mad. We have probs with it but we get the job done but still. Our band is small enough so all our mistakes get noticed right off the bat and with people who just don't care...hmm... Quote
rsb3 Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Dedication isn't the issue with my band, it's focus and discipline. Unfortunately, we have a problem with having great rehearsal after great rehearasal, where everyone stays focused and gets tons done. But then we'll have a random week of unfocused rehearsals where it's a struggle to keep people quiet (that's where the discipline part starts to show). It's kind of wierd, about 98% of our band is really focused and quiet... but that other 2% immediately goes to talking when the drum majors put us at ease, or the directors go to check something on their drill charts/show score. In a band of 110, 2% can make an impact (while also ticking off the rest of the people who are there to get the job done). I'd have to say that talking is our biggest enemy, and that's what keeps that very small, select group of people from allowing us to get everything done that we need to. Quote
whitewing09 Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 shmily1130 said: With our band, I would say most of the people are focused, but there are certain people that don't, or certain parts in the show when people start to lose that focus. I know with us (front ensemble) we are usually pretty focused. As for the rest of the band... yalls band looks really disciplined to me Quote
chickora Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 So my earlier post about a year ago is a bit different. This year it seems now that our immature seniours are gone we seem to be getting a whole lot done. Our closer this week is a completely different closer than the week of the Cedar Park contest. Our learning curve sky rocketed.. Only 2 more weeks of this and hopefully 3 if we advance on to state. Quote
hebrontuba08 Posted October 19, 2006 Posted October 19, 2006 yeah, my band is doing really great this year in contests, but our rehearsals are kinda "eh". there are too many people that hate certain directors/marching techs and simply wont listen to anything that is said to them, just because its that certain director/tech that said it. its extremely frustrating. Quote
bandnerd1230 Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 yeah, my band is doing really great this year in contests, but our rehearsals are kinda "eh". ^^yeah we tend to have amazing performances like at Area competition, but we get sent off the field a lot and have the directors yell at us. Quote
titancoaster Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 With the trumpet section, we were competely unfocused no matter what me and the other section leaders did. When we got 13th at BoA arlington, the whole section came up to me and apologized to me and said i was right so the next rehearsal was great but from the 2nd on it went back to crap. We have the alamodome for 3 hours tomorrow to rehearse, i hope they keep their focus during that time. Quote
FunkyFlute07 Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 dedication is what kills us. you have the really dedicated people...and the ones who just dont care ...and just happen to show up which really hurts our band a lot. a few of them have control issues and don't like being told what to do...and others just dont care. Quote
zackee Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 Haha. Well, at my school almost everyone screws around. There's always people during practice or rehearsal that will screw something up because they were talking to other people or they just plain weren't paying attention. But then again, it seems that maybe about a week before contest everyone gets super serious about it and neve screw around. I just kind of wish that it would be like that the whole time so that we sould have more time to polish instead of taking soooo long to learn new drill because people are continously messing around. Quote
Shiloh Phoenix Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 we had 1 week this year when more than 20 people quit band. I think it was after we had to "touch the building" twice. Quote
gavinrh Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 and that just shows how out of shape everyone is...two "touch the buildings" are only like a fourth of a mile Quote
QuadraticBeats Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 As some of you may know... I complained alot about my band's complacency in this area in the past. Since then, the group has gotten much better, and surprisingly, particularly among the underclassmen- I found it heartening that they actually cared about their performance when they watched our BOA video (remember that big TV with random band shows going across it?) at the San Antonio Super Regional. But nonetheless, those people in the group who apparently don't care should just quit if they hate working on band activities. What is P.E. and Art class every other day in comparison to spending at least 50 hours a week at school during marching season? For these people, they should know that there are other avenues in which to study music. As one of our assistant directors (he's second to the head director) said... he'd rather have a dedicated and ambitious group, no matter how small, over any group that didn't care. Quote
gavinrh Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 QuadraticBeats said: What is P.E. and Art class every other day in comparison to spending at least 50 hours a week at school during marching season? 50 hours a week would be a bit over the 8 hour rule...maybe just a little Quote
whitewing09 Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 ya i hated this year. we had problems through out the year cuz people just didnt care. and we started coming along but some people still would not learn or play the music, then area came and they decide oh i should play now even if i havent played ever on the field and we get score 6th then 9th it just pisses me off how people want to win by just doing nothing then when something big comes they think they can help but ends up screwing us over. Quote
ClarinetGlissandoInBlue Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 this year's seniors were good, we juniors are great, sophmores are really bad (marching and dedication-wise), freshmen have no clue but follow the upperclassmen lead so they'll turn out pretty good. at practice, people run back to their spots and stuff. nobody sits down during a water break (not allowed to anyway ) Quote
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