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brazoswood had gorgeous sounds. the trumpet sounds *sighs* so beauuutiful!!


i didnt hear that thing in reagan's show that made everyone laugh.. could someone explain it to me?

There was this great alto solo going on and all the band was facing him and then he stopped and you here from the speakers up front, "Do the chickens have large talons?"

Then they hit a beautiful power chord.


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Last night's finals was amazing!!!!!!!! Personally, I believe Richland and Churchill should have been way higher. Richland's "Sleep" was beautiful, that did it for me. Reagan did awesome as always and got what they deserved. Churchill was amaaaazing I dont think I saw one guard mistake. I put them a few places higher. Marcus was good, but I dont believe they deserved that high of a score, but I'm not a judge, so... I am amazed by SFA they are soooo classy and I absolutely loved their version of "Medea" absolutely amazing, way to go SFA! Overall, last night was AWESOME I am sooo glad I had the oppurtunity to go and see all these amazing bands. Congrats to all

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Euph player.....

Don't worry!!!! Reviews are coming soon! My buddies and I need a day or two to recover from an outstanding three and a half hours of Finalist bands.....


Plus, the hours of HALO that ensued afterwards.

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did anyone see Cedar Park in prelims? i know their intro screwed up but i heard the rest of it was pretty freakin good.


what'd everyone think?

i was soooooooooooo shocked that they didnt get into finals.


i watched finals, and there were some bands that i thought shouldnt have made it in, i cant remember names tho. but i suppose that BOA judges know what theyre looking for, eh?


its definitely been a crazy season.

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Just got back from SA (yeah I know its Sunday), as well as a couple of months hiatus from here (but I'm back, even though hardly anyone knows me haha). Reagan was amazing as always, definitely deserved it. Churchill's guard..was...spicy (or hot, insert word here). I think I saw someone else mention it on the BOA board about the birds in the dome..yeah, that was quite interesting when Marcus' started playing their bird sounds, and the birds up in high rafters started going nuts and flapping away. Overall, it was a great comp., and congrats to all the bands who participated.

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Also, where is L.D. BELL???? What ever happened to them? Did they drop doing BOA after winning state last year? They have pretty good shows that are quality BOA and quality U.I.L. Hope to see them at state next year!

LD Bell will be going to grand nats in a few days, so they didn't go to SA BOA, as far as I know. I wish there was a week between BOA SA and grand nats, we don't get much of a break in between, especially when we've tons of tests to make up 'cause stupid teachers are jerks and assign tests while we're in Indy... bah!

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Here is my review from the BOA Forums of the Top 6 in Finals:


Reagan - Wow. Just Wow. When did they get a good sound? Reagan never used to be a playing band, and last year's music was too hard for them. But this year the music is even harder and they are playing it masterfully; and with a great sound as well! I predict that this show will not do worse than top 2 at GN.


Bowie - I didn't see this placement coming at all. They had an amazing sound, but there was a lot of park and blow and no difficulty in the drill, although it was very clean. Had this been UIL, I would understand this placement completely, but with BOA's over-emphasis on GE, this placement is a little hard to swallow.


Marcus - Wow. What an amazing job playing extremely technical music extremely well. The closer is one of the most amazing things that I have heard on a field. This music was easily the hardest and cleanest of the night. It is so amazing to hear the extreme clarity of the double-tounging in the closer of all places. Right after they performed I called them getting 2nd but nobody would believe me. I was extatic about them taking two captions. I still don't understand how their GE could have been at least a full 2 points lower than Reagan's.


SFA - Finals wasn't as good as Prelims but it was still one of the most intense shows of the evening. As always, the gorgeous Angels steal the show from a visual standpoint and perfectly compliment the music. This show is so full of power, anger, and intensity that it leaves you completely exhausted by the end of the show.


Richland - Again the Finals performance wasn't as good as Prelims, but it was still great. The close-quarters drill in the last movement still gets everybody out of their seats before the show is even over. Richland had a very hard time this weekend. They drove down to SA on Friday to perform in Prelims, immediately got on the busses and drove back up to Dallas to attend the football game, and then drove back down on Saturday to perform in Finals. With all of that traveling the kids had to have been completely worn out before this performance even began.


Churchill - The Guard Show. This show is completely centered around showing off how much of a bad*** every single member of the guard is and they did not disappoint. I especially love when the male guard throws the rifle, a female guard jumps on him wrapping herself around him, and then he still catches the rifle. Amazing. Just Amazing. I didn't have them in the top 3, but I didn't expect them to be as low as 6th.

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I'd really like to say spring was jipped...but they werent. Musically i still think they sounded better than most the bands in finals. They had a balance and dynamic range that only about 3 bands in finals i could tell had. Visually the show killed them though. Some stuff just never came together as the year went. But im still very happy with the way that they played. But as was stated ealier, they didnt have something that gripped you, the GE factor really wasnt there. I do think their prelims placement was way, WAY too low though. Thats rediculous...

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Ronald Reagan blew my mind. I watched them perform their whole show in warm-up, and was floored by the stuff they were playing. I have NEVER heard woodwinds like that before, the only thing that I remember coming close was Lassiter 98's woodwind section. It was obvious to me that they were going to win, and why they won music in prelims.


Now I REALLY want to see Marcus's show, because I can't even fathom how a band could have beaten Reagan in music.

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All I have to say is I LOVED CHURCHILL!!! AMAZING SHOW AND GUARD! IF anyone saw Mark Sloan having a fit durring te show it was insane! He couldn't stop jumping up and down. But I have to say that Judging was VERY interesting these past two days!

haha its MIKE sloan (not mark). I was the guard capt last year at churchill and his enthusiasm always gets us going.. hes a little enthusiastic. We all love him. :) ( did anyone else hear him yell "lets get crunk" before the show started?? haha wow...)


congrats reagan on yet another amazing show! Good Luck at nationals!

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haha its MIKE sloan (not mark). I was the guard capt last year at churchill and his enthusiasm always gets us going.. hes a little enthusiastic. We all love him. :) ( did anyone else hear him yell "lets get crunk" before the show started?? haha wow...)


congrats reagan on yet another amazing show! Good Luck at nationals!

Question- Is the angry guard a signature Churchill look? I just noticed last night all the shows I've seen have angry guard.

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I'd really like to say spring was jipped...but they werent. Musically i still think they sounded better than most the bands in finals. They had a balance and dynamic range that only about 3 bands in finals i could tell had. Visually the show killed them though. Some stuff just never came together as the year went. But im still very happy with the way that they played. But as was stated ealier, they didnt have something that gripped you, the GE factor really wasnt there. I do think their prelims placement was way, WAY too low though. Thats rediculous...

Yikes, what did spring place?

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Ronald Reagan blew my mind. I watched them perform their whole show in warm-up, and was floored by the stuff they were playing. I have NEVER heard woodwinds like that before, the only thing that I remember coming close was Lassiter 98's woodwind section. It was obvious to me that they were going to win, and why they won music in prelims.


Now I REALLY want to see Marcus's show, because I can't even fathom how a band could have beaten Reagan in music.

What a compliment. Thanks a lot. ^^

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Congrats to all bands, I really liked Churchill's show, the Woodlands: you guys are awsome! Marcus, I really wanted to see you guys but I never got a chance to, I was however in view of your birds at retreat and they were hilarious! Reagan, whats with the Napoleon Dynamite quote you guys? SFA once again another show i didnt get to see but still want to. Brazoswood I loved Icarus. Congrats to all. Just one question, do all of you guys and your bands really not consider us (Bowie) a threat. Now give it I was surprised at 2nd, i thought 3rd at best but come on! Please answer, take into consideration we have cotten continuously better.




p.s. once again congrats

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Question- Is the angry guard a signature Churchill look? I just noticed last night all the shows I've seen have angry guard.

yea, it really helps the girls be aggressive and nail their work. Sloan really emphasizes emotion, so when its an intense section of the show, you can always tell by the girls faces. He tries to make us "intimidate" the audience. It makes it more fun :) They started doing "grr" faces in '01 with the winterguard when to nationals with "Simply X".

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Yikes, what did spring place?

Lets just say...no where close to making finals. I cant really tell what they got, you'll have to wait till its posted, but it wasnt close. :-/


Just a hard year for spring, hopefully they'll get it together for next year.

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haha... I just forgot what I was going to say... I HATE when that happens...

so for now I'll babble until I rember

First off, I SURE hope some VERY speciale SFA (aka Scarlett Letter Band) members heard their shout outs before and after their show



and "GO TONI" (but I dont think Toni is on the forumns)


Funny I dont even know Skippy's real name lol :huh:




Since my band didnt make finals (I remain technically anonymous band-wise just incase the Band CIA decides to hunt me down and verbally castrate me during 1st period...) :ph34r:

any ways...

I enjoyed making comments for 13 of that 14 finalist bands (sorry Coppell all I got to see was the last mvmt or so... but let me say I was quite impressed, HUGE band by the way)

Hopefully I'll get to post the reviews when I get my notes back from a certain somewho who seems to be losing her roof ;)


Im resisting the urge to keep reading through the forumns with ALL my might :wacko: , and tried my hardest to plug my ears or close my eyes when I saw finals placements... but I know some of them sneaked in their... obviously Reagan's 1st placement, and a few other surprises.

All this of course if Mr. Clarinot and Dynasty approve... PLEASE :D

Im gonna go check bands.org now to see if they have streaming vids of finals... I cant remember if you have to be a paying member or not?

Hey, Dynasty and Clarinot - is there a way you could get a membership for the txbands.com and set up links for us leeches? Maybe thats illegal, but so is age discrimination, if Im not mistaken


Oh I also timed most of the bands and Im gonna try and make a difficulty rating or something to rank them by also... Idk how well that will go since much is opinion... but we'll see

off the top of my head, SFA started at 184, and accelled to at LEAST 200 (Skippy some confirmation please?) and it was a good solid 8 minutes, with some crazy drill ... so IMO... Hands down SFA played and marched everyone's pants off

no pun intended on the whole Woodlands thing :lol: ... but entertaining nuntheless

and maybe some of my good humor will make it in to soften the edges, cuz Im gonna make some tough calls on some of the judging...

until then... B)

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