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why no cymbal love?


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Vanguard has cymbals.

I know, that why I said Vanguard, Magic, Glassman, and Madison Scouts.... but who else.


Why don't the Cavies, Cadets, Bluecoats( I know theres was recently retired), BK, all those not have 'em?


Is it just a plain ol' they just don't feel like having one? Or is there a real reason?


I'm just wondering :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, if they got cymbal people marching twenty-inch marching cymbals, it could be worth significantly more... but they can't play most of the time. So they have to get really good at looking cool, and playing interesting things on cadences. Still, the cymbals are usually an entertaining group (our school has a rather funny cymbal squad leader, who is the younger brother of our other tenor player), and did things like nazi-like marking time, overexaggerated facial expressions, etc. in the in-class practices. He was disciplined on the field, and played and did what he was supposed to, in all technicality; he just did it in a very amusing way. So, I must argue in favor of a cymbal line.

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