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  trumPITplayer said:
soul meets body-death cab for cutie


i <3 them!  :D

Dude, you are the first Texan I know who has even HEARD of Death Cab for Cutie....they're really big up here in the Northwest. In fact, they put on a FREE concert at my college (the college paid for tickets for the ENTIRE student body). Actually, I had never heard of them until that point, but they were actually pretty good.


Well, in order to keep in step with this topic, I guess I have to name a song that's been in my head...I think I would have to name 2 - "Binary Systems" from LD Bell's 2002 show and "Country Band March" by Charles Ives. I anticipate that in the upcoming holiday season, I will get "Christmas Eve / Sarajevo 12/24" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra stuck in my head....although, I don't think I would mind that at all...I think its an awesome song.


- mm

  mindfulmusician said:
Dude, you are the first Texan I know who has even HEARD of Death Cab for Cutie....they're really big up here in the Northwest.  In fact, they put on a FREE concert at my college (the college paid for tickets for the ENTIRE student body).  Actually, I had never heard of them until that point, but they were actually pretty good.

you are soooo lucky. they had a concert in austin but unfortunately we had BOA....so i couldnt go :(


i think more texans have heard of death cab....actually no...maybe like10 at my school...lol....oh well all i can say is that im IN LOVE with them



everyone should on this forum should go and listen to death cab for cutie right now. (in honor of our marching band show) DO IT.

  Three valve circus said:
What song is in my head? :mellow:




That's what you get for playing too much.


Hmm, I am sure you people realize that Hypnotize just came out. Now I have Kill Rock n Roll stuck in my head. It's a good song. I like the cd.

  actualgirltrombone said:
i have the UT fight song stuck in my head cause i watched the game earlier today

Haha, when UT came down for the festival of bands I had it stuck in my head. They played it like 6 times.

  chickora said:
To think about it.. Every fight song I hear, It gets stuck in my head.

lol...true. And, yeah, threevalvecircus, I think the UT FS is "Eyes of Texas." Here's a funny story. You know how in fight songs there's always a section where you put down the other teams? Well, at Seguin the line is at the end. It's "we're going to roll those....in the dirt, make it hurt. Fight, fight, FIGHT!" Well, the ... is where you put in the name of the other team, the "Unicorns" for example, if the opponent was New Braunfels. However, when I first read the fight song in middle school, I saw the ... and thought that you could put whatever in that spot, including obscene words. I thought it was odd that the schools would encourage name calling, but I went along with it. So, I came up with "****", and some other things that I can't say on this site, to say in the fight song. Yeah...its a good thing I realized you were supposed to put the team name in that spot before I tested any of MY names at a game. lol! :lol:

  mindfulmusician said:
Yeah...its a good thing I realized you were supposed to put the team name in that spot before I tested any of MY names at a game.  lol! :lol:

Haha, you lucky ****. Just imagine all the stares you would get from the adults..and all the laughs from all the teenagers... What's more encouraging? Adults or Teens?

I don't know. I let you answer that one.


  RMyers said:
I have Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. I didn't even hear it yet.

What's with you and getting these Christmas songs stuck in your head?


How about "Pathways?" That is ALWAYS stuck in mine, even right now. I can play the greatest drum break there like a Lord of the Rings fight scene on TIVO. Play it, rewind, play it, rewind...

You get the point. And Madison 1996. A Mis Abuelos (the opener) and Maleguena are AWESOME!!!! And the EIGHT MAN TENOR LINE?! HOLY SNAP! Dirty as that spot under my fingernails but still! EIGHT TENORS?

  chickora said:
What's with you and getting these Christmas songs stuck in your head?

I don't know, I don't like it. The ONE Christmas song that I do like is Carol of the Bells but it's never stuck in my head.


I do like, however, that Victoria Secret has a commercial that uses a few of my favorite things: T, A, and Carol of the Bells. (Nothing celebrates the Arrival of Jesus than a red and sequined bra.)

  RMyers said:
I don't know, I don't like it. The ONE Christmas song that I do like is Carol of the Bells but it's never stuck in my head.


I do like, however, that Victoria Secret has a commercial that uses a few of my favorite things: T, A, and Carol of the Bells. (Nothing celebrates the Arrival of Jesus than a red and sequined bra.)

Yup, yup..gotta love them bras..


but now, i have what child is this stuck in my head. -_-;;

  chickora said:
but now, i have what child is this stuck in my head. -_-;;

Is it a good one, or one where the singer cracks the notes all over the place? I usualy here the crap one.


New song, acctualy not christmas related, Mission Impossible...I'm tired and bored and stalking around my Battalion causing trouble!!

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