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what were u auditioning on? How did Laura and Nat do?

Lol! They didn't care at all. Laura made district (she doesn't know how), and Nat got like last chair= I think she said she played like 2 lines on one of the songs and qut. hahahaha . they both went out on piccolo. But our other pic made area!

  • 3 weeks later...

Today my director told me this: (Even though I dont quite know what he meant)


"Sometimes at these region auditions, they are not looking for the best player, but the most prepared, so the best player might not always get the best chair placement"


Again, I have no clue what he meant... lol.


Aegis Fang, the judges WANT you to do good....They want you to be able to make them not have to look at the music for error, they want to sit back and listen...they want a performer...You gotta get them hooked by your 1st starting note....its the most important note you will play in your whole audition.


at region especially they award right notes much more than phrasing and musicality. two years ago the kid who got second chair at my region had AMAZING fingers. wow. clean. but he sounded lk a lawnmore with a screeching cat on it. everything stayed one dynamic. if they'dve taken tone, pitch, and phrasing into account, i don't think he'dve gotten so high.


I agree with that 100%. Area is where the musicality tends to win in my opinion, since everyone is technically proficient. I always place better at area than at region, and I think that's the reason.

  • 2 weeks later...

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