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For those of you who don't know, I think that threevalvecircus is referring to the San Diego, TX (the county seat of Duval County which lies about 52 miles to the west of Corpus Christi). You guys have to remember that this IS Texas....land of many obscurely-named towns, such as San Diego, DISH, and Happy. Anyway, yeah...good luck to all of you auditioning this weekend.


- mm


Today was the best that I have EVER sounded on french horn. I have never even come close to making the sounds that I was making today. I am going to tear it up tomorrow at phase 1, I can't wait!

For those of you who don't know, I think that threevalvecircus is referring to the San Diego, TX (the county seat of Duval County which lies about 52 miles to the west of Corpus Christi). You guys have to remember that this IS Texas....land of many obscurely-named towns, such as San Diego, DISH, and Happy. Anyway, yeah...good luck to all of you auditioning this weekend.


- mm

Haha, yea thats the San Diego I was reffering to.




Man im soooo ready for this now.

Good luck everyone!


To put it simply, getting ready for region tryouts is freaking me out! It's been 2 weeks since I looked at the timpani, the snare is killing me, I can't play the 2-mallets up to tempo, and I haven't completely learned the 4-mallet piece. Region is next Friday, and before that I have to play the freshman cuts for the concert band audition, plus learn my holiday concert music by Tuesday. Yeah, it's gonna be a busy week for me. :wacko:


Yeah, so I was one out of area... again. But I'm not too shaken up by it.


If the judges don't want to reward phrasing and musicality, well then that's not my problem.



I still made 7th chair in the state on string bass, so I'll have fun in San Antonio anyways.


Were not a 4A school, were a 2A school so I dont know. All I know is we tried out and they took 5 alto's for the region band. Out of those 5, they took 3 to move on to the area band. I would of at least made region if I got my music sooner than 2 1/2 weeks before the comp...


I had a CD, but the guy who does it has a flat boring tone, and pushes and pulls too much in the fast etudes, where it isn't wise to stretch some beats as opposed to the slow ones to make music of it. It's not really that much worth listening to, it gives you an idea but i just make recordings of myself and listen to myself to learn.


For Region 18 auditions, I got 5th chair out of 18 on Alto Sax yesterday for phase II and 2nd chair bari sax. ( In Phase I i got 4th chair out of 33ish people, so not a bad run at all) I made the second region band on both horns, but i picked Bari cause they take the top 2 in each saxophone room (In our region) to compete at area, and naturally I want to try out for state.


oo ok, isnt there the ATSSB in TMEA that have their own all state band? and i think you can even try out for 4a all state..check with your director..since 4a people are allowed to try on the 5a track too, i thnk for a 2a or 3a you can go for for 4a or 5a too. you should do it.


Where is Coppell again? I just know that there were some very good saxes at the auditions yesterday at what our principal loves to call "The Ridge". I forgot what school they were from, but I think it might have been Coppell... stupid 300-people bands. I hate it when HS marching bands number more than 250ish. Anyhow, I got to monitor in the tenor/bari sax room instead of percussion for some reason undiclosed to me by the band director. Some of those tenor saxes made me crack up at how good they were. Besides that...

Congrats to Bronson Armijo (bari sax), Tony Bokaie (trumpet; unfortunately, our second best and section leader (definitely not by playing ability) got 15th, and our other trumpets got even lower. It'll take more than just wheaties for our trumpets to compare to other schools), Ryan Cooper(bass/?tenor? trombone(and the whole t-bone section... arguably the best wind section overall in the band)), Sean Havrilla (English horn and possibly oboe... definitely at least 2nd place.) for making 1st places. I don't know if anyone else made first. Flutes also only had one of us make high (Lucy Hires). Funny that the one who acts like section leader all the time just because Lucy isn't there all the time made lower than those who she tries to "lead". Enough ranting... congrats all.

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