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They do. Heard her this week with the drumline at Dripping Springs. Their drum show, btw, is insane.

Not to give anything away but the real show is quite different - she's great though :D


This is coming a bit late, but with BOA Denton coming up this weekend, I thought I'd share this.


I was there to attend Hebrons football game when they played Marcus. First of all, what a game! It went into 3 overtimes. But I only stayed to listen to the bands.


Marcus has a surprising show this year. I find it to be different then their other shows in previous years. It starts with a beautiful opening and then goes through a few accellerandos. It seems to be very hard marching, and some parts were a little awkward visually. But they sounded like Marcus usually does! But the teo things I am most worried about are

1) timin during the accells

And 2) the musicality.

This show is a show that needs to be played really well to be able to compete. The brass seems to have a lot of rests, which is a slot of time to become lost. But hopefully they will be able to get those two things moving along. they also used a metronome during the game that made it hard to tell how good the band was sounding.


Now to the Big dawgz, Hebron.

Hebrons show is possibly one of my favorites of all time. Because of the videos being taken off of YouTube i will not say anything about the show, except for the fact that if they have progressed since that performance, I think it's possible that those kids will bring another gold back to hebron. But my concerns for hebron are all in their closer. The opener and vallad are fluent pieces of music that go along perfectly with the story. But the closer was not played at the football game. That means that they will either stop at the end of their ballad at BOA Denton (highly unlikely), manage to get to the end of their closer in two weeks, or find a spot to end their show appropriately without cramming a whole closer in two weeks(what will probably happen). Hebron always has one of the if not the hardest musical closers every year, and trying to put that on the field in two weeks just seems dangerous. The students better work extremely hard, or else we might see Marcus, LD Bell, or Coppell take the crown. I'm really hoping they bite the bullet and get that closer down to a science here in the next week. In order to compete, it's going to need to be almost perfect.


I have not heard LD bell since their first football game, so can someone inform me on how they are doing?


I only saw part of their show in finals, it's really cool music, that's really about all I can tell you from a musical standpoint. They have ginormous firebird statues that sometimes a member of the band would stand an play on. They are very loud. They placed 5th, so it's not like they're no-body's.


So what were everyone's thoughts on BOA Denton last weekend? Do you think the outcome could be a good indicator as to how some of the powerhouse bands such as Hebron, Marcus, FloMo, and LD Bell will do in later competitions?(UIL State and BOA San Antonio)


Watching the Music For All videos posted, I think Marcus and Hebron are a top 2 lock at state, though you never know.   Each has HUGE variety and demand in a huge  spectrum musically, and sound just absolutely gorgeous.   Visually, I thought that from the box Hebron looked a little stronger, but who knows.  James Bowie seems to be taking that approach this year as well, they seem hugely improved visually and sound just as good as always.  How many bands is Area B advancing?  If it's 4, then I think Hebron and Marcus for sure and Flower Mound and LD Bell are pretty likely.  If it's 3, Hebron and Marcus plus either Bell or Flo Mo.  I think Flo Mo has the huge advantage at the moment musically, the show is gorgeous and has tons of variety like Marcus and Hebron, but LD Bell has the same advantage musically.   Given that Music has more emphasis than Visual, I'd pick Flo Mo for #3 if they take that many.  Then there's Richland, Haltom, Plano East as well, 2 of which advanced in 2012.  You never know though, was pretty shocked in 2012 that Flower Mound didn't advance, and Round Rock didn't even make area finals, so you have to take into consideration performance order and that kind of stuff as well.     


I agree, I think Hebron and Marcus should be top two lock and then FloMo at third due to their musical variety. I'll see if I can find out how many spots are advancing in area B this year.


I also believe that Hebron and Marcus will be in at least the top four, most likely the top 3. But you can't sleep on those austin bands like CTJ and James Bowie or The woodlands from Houston. I will probably be at the regional at Conroe this weekend because I have nothing better to do. I think the woodlands will be successful at boa San antonio, but their music is really simple, which might hurt them at State. But who knows what will happen. It's possible that an easier show still wins state, that just isn't very likely


Don't worry, I'm not counting out the Austin/SA schools, just haven't seen anything this year from them yet aside from Bowie, who's looking VERY strong.



And I have to say, Flower Mound has my favorite show at the moment, is pretty stunning, especially musically, the ballad is just absolutely gorgeous, and I'm excited to see the rest of the closer.  I'm excited to see how they progress all the way to nationals.  

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