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I know this comes almost a month later, but in response to the previous posting, area G is REALLY lacking in competition, hence the reason no one really considers area G. Now, I do have the right to say so since I am from area G. I do, however, see competition picking up in that area within the next 5-10 years because of this:


1.) Two bands (Edinburg North and Sharyland) finally beat Harlingen in a contest in the 2005 marching season. When Harlingen emerged victorious in a contest, a band was not trailing their score by very much as was the case in the past. Harlingen has been the dominant band in area G for the past 10 years or so I would say, and I am sure that the band was not happy with this upcoming year, and the program will improve again as a result to keep this from happening again.


2.) Sharyland recently moved up to 5A two years ago and got their first taste at state marching contest when this happened. This horrid experience (Sharyland finished last that year) set a stepping stone for the program and led them to a very successful 2005 year. Sharyland continues to improve because their addition of a new director responsible for their "visual performance" has pushed the marching program in a good way. I see a good year for them for the 2006 marching season.


3.) The two main contenders that even have the SLIGHTEST chance at making finals would be Sharyland and Harlingen. The two programs will continue to try and top the other and this will eventually lead to a better level of competition between the two bands. Considering that Harlingen finished 15th in 2004 means that if they can step it a little more, they will soon make state finals. If Sharyland steps it up as well, then they can top Harlingen off. Harlingen has already proved that they can play well by receiving the help and clinicing of Mark Higginbotham (sp?) for music. Sharyland impressed him with their BOA Super Regional music performance and he offered to do their arrangements for the 2006 season, but they turned him down...personal reasons I've heard.


It's just a matter of time before area G gets some recognition in the 5A level of competition. Roma and Brownsville Lopez have begun to make a name for themselves in area G for 4A. Lopez is moving up to 5A this year, and I am pretty sure that they will be a finalist around the time that area comes around, but I can't say if they will qualify for state or not. We all know how much more intense 5A can be than 4A simply because of numbers, as Sharyland experienced.


As far as FOR SURE state finalists go, I would definitely say that LD Bell, Churchill, Duncanville, Cedar Park, and Reagan are in the mix.


LD Bell just overall boasts a great program, and they have a lot of experienced marchers after their 2005 season.

Churchill has a great program as well, and I feel that they deserved to win state in 2004 because they did march the cleanest show with the fewest errors that year, but they are definitely in the mix.

Duncanville is always in the mix. They are a great "UIL" band and will probably finish in the top 3 again. I honestly do not care much for their shows, but despite that, they do really well.

Cedar Park will rebound from their fumble last year and prove that they are true contender. I don't care for their shows as well, but they do play EXTREMELY well and I think it is wrong for people to count them out. Look at LD Bell's success despite all the fumbles in their 2005 season if you do not believe me.

Reagan is an AMAZING band....for BOA. They are what I like to call a "show band" because they truly do put on a good show; unfortunately for them, that is not what UIL looks for. Unless they can make a change in their show type, they will never win state, but I do expect them to make state finals despite this. Their marching technique, music, and drill cleanliness improved astronomically from their state year to last year. They do however, have an unusually large number of people out of step in the various performances I have seen of them. If they can fix those things, there is no reason why Reagan wouldn't become a top 5 finalist at state.


And those are my area G predictions as well as state finals...and I'm out...sorry about the long-ness of this post.

Reagan is an AMAZING band....for BOA. They are what I like to call a "show band" because they truly do put on a good show; unfortunately for them, that is not what UIL looks for.



Well first of all I must say to your response Reagan that I think this year they were the complete deal. They have always had an edge in their General Effect and Visual programs, but man all you have to do is hear the mp3 of their music performance this year to know that they were in a league of their own. Their music this year, IMHO, blew nearly else away.


Now I know it is really to early to be predicting for the state marching contest but I think the finals this year is pretty much already set up. I thnk these will be for sure the finalists -


L.D. Bell





Langham Creek

Cedar Park





Bubble Bands -




If any other band were to make finals in 06 it would really suprise me.


Nah...I agree whole-heartedly that Reagan plays well. I've seen them in person on more than one occasion. I remember going to state my sophomore year and being blow away by their playing and remembering their show over everyone else's simply because of their music. I do, however, believe that Reagan sways more in the BOA direction than the UIL direction. But, as this forum suggests...it's only predictions. Maybe Reagan will do a UIL show for a change, but I doubt it because it's not what the program has established itself to be. But in all actuality, my hats go off to Reagan for doing so well in such a short amount of time. A lot of the students over there do play well, I feel as if they do have one of the strongest programs not only in the state, but in the country, especially for not even being 10 years old. I know a school down here that has been around just as long as Reagan has, and they have yet to receive a first division in any thing band related. Aside that, unless Reagan changes a few things, they will leave state marching contest with disappointment as I am sure they might have two years ago, especially after having won the super regional the weekend before.


QUOTE (Amusicman @ Jun 27 2006, 08:26 AM)
but man all you have to do is hear the mp3 of their music performance this year to know that they were in a league of their own. Their music this year, IMHO, blew nearly else away.

I agree wholeheartedly, Andrew. Ronald Reagan had a phenomenal sound this past year. Best music performance I've heard in YEARS!


Their show literally gives me tears everytime. It's a shame they didn't come out with the Grand National title, because their music book alone should have beaten any 'cool visual effect' looking show at Grand Nationals.

  • 4 weeks later...
  trumpetman1288 said:
Nah...I agree whole-heartedly that Reagan plays well. I've seen them in person on more than one occasion. I remember going to state my sophomore year and being blow away by their playing and remembering their show over everyone else's simply because of their music. I do, however, believe that Reagan sways more in the BOA direction than the UIL direction. But, as this forum suggests...it's only predictions. Maybe Reagan will do a UIL show for a change, but I doubt it because it's not what the program has established itself to be. But in all actuality, my hats go off to Reagan for doing so well in such a short amount of time. A lot of the students over there do play well, I feel as if they do have one of the strongest programs not only in the state, but in the country, especially for not even being 10 years old. I know a school down here that has been around just as long as Reagan has, and they have yet to receive a first division in any thing band related. Aside that, unless Reagan changes a few things, they will leave state marching contest with disappointment as I am sure they might have two years ago, especially after having won the super regional the weekend before.

UIL shows are soo... boring i watched the top 10 5A bands of 04 and one of the bands who scored really high was really boring. ya it ccould have been entertaining to some one else but it was kinda going on, they chose an easy show to score high. look at Reagan they had like a really good show but they didnt score too high. i think UIL should like somewhat change its ideas of what makes a good band. if that makes sense

  whitewing09 said:
UIL shows are soo... boring i watched the top 10 5A bands of 04 and one of the bands who scored really high was really boring. ya it ccould have been entertaining to some one else but it was kinda going on, they chose an easy show to score high. look at Reagan they had like a really good show but they didnt score too high. i think UIL should like somewhat change its ideas of what makes a good band. if that makes sense

That is an opinion-as per you are entitled to it. There are reasons as to why UIL and BOA are different. Hence why Reagan places where they do in each respective circuit. Yes Reagan had a good show that year in BOA standards, but by UIL they were what place they received.


As for the boring parts---how can you call LD Bell, Cedar Park, and Winston Churchill's shows boring? LD Bell was clean visually to the max, Cedar Park was emotional in the ballad of Jupiter (you should listen to it ;) ), and Winston Churchill's guard is amazing. But like I said, you are entitled to an opinion. That is my outake on the matter.


Yeah...I would like to add that LD Bell, Churchill, Haltom, Cedar Park, the Woodlands, and Reagan were all BOA finalists in that year. The Woodlands even went to on to compete in GN finals that year as well. While the rankings vary quite a bit from BOA to UIL, UIL is not a GE fanatic like BOA is. I would say that UIL does look at musical effect and visual effect, which ties more into execution, which is what UIL looks more.

  euro_euph06 said:
That is an opinion-as per you are entitled to it. There are reasons as to why UIL and BOA are different. Hence why Reagan places where they do in each respective circuit. Yes Reagan had a good show that year in BOA standards, but by UIL they were what place they received.


As for the boring parts---how can you call LD Bell, Cedar Park, and Winston Churchill's shows boring? LD Bell was clean visually to the max, Cedar Park was emotional in the ballad of Jupiter (you should listen to it ;) ), and Winston Churchill's guard is amazing. But like I said, you are entitled to an opinion. That is my outake on the matter.

I loved their shows I wasnt talking about them, the Woodlands and Bowie also had good shows.


you kinda skipped the the band i was talking about


I guess something else I should add, and most of you will probably dog me for this, is that I really did not like Cedar Park's 2004 show. No doubt they played INCREDIBLY well (their loud section towards the beginning of Mars...you know what I'm talking about...remains my favorite opening statement despite my dislike for the show) and it stood well in BOA standards, but they had a show that did EXTREMELY well in UIL. Why is that?


Well, Cedar Park, along with Duncanville, LD Bell, Langham Creek (I think), and Churchill (correct me if I forgot someone), was one of the few TRUE marching bands at that contest. They played music, difficult music at that, and had a nicely executed drill that fit the music. No funky little electronic sounds that make a show more show...ish. I'd be lying that if I didn't say that I enjoyed Haltom, Reagan, the Woodlands, or any other of the state finalists, but they were shows that were made to entertain...not to be technical and judge who has the best marching program, which is what UIL is all about. LD Bell was clean, had a band with great marching fundamentals, and they played a great show. That is what decides the best band. Sure, anyone can pay good money for a neat show, but to MAKE a show clean and to execute it well is what decides if a band is worthy of being called the best band in Texas.


Yeah..I would have put another band in place of Clements in 2004. I mean, no disrespect to the band because there is a great program over there, but I feel that Brazoswood that year should've been in finals. They flat out performed. Great show for them too...it was nicely executed and the music was played to perhaps its fullest potential. Then again, what do I know, or all of us for that matter. The combined scores of not one, but five judges is what got them into finals.

anyone can pay good money for a neat show, but to MAKE a show clean and to execute it well is what decides if a band is worthy of being called the best band in Texas.



  MisterMan said:
I see who is getting left out somewhat. Now I am not saying they are definitely going to make it. But they at least deserve to be on the radar, and that is Clements

Umm lol i didnt mean them either lol i didnt see theyre show after watching bowie my computer sorta gave up so didnt get to see Clements or Langham creek.



I know SO many of yall disagree with me but i was talking about Duncanville. i mean their marching didnt really stand out to me and theyre music whats with the beginning, talk about boring i just didnt like their show.


I knew who you were talking about the whole time, I've just refrained from commenting until now.


I don't know how you could call that an easy show. The music had enough really hard technical aspects to it that even they (known for their musical abilities) were struggling with parts of it for most of the season. The drill may not have been as fast as Bell, Churchill, or Reagan's, but it certainly wasn't anything to scoff at.


As far as the openener, I guess you just don't like brass fanfares that display the technique of the high brass and the sonority of the low brass.


Now, I'm not trying to hype the show up or say it was the best show or anything, just that it certainly was not an easy show just to place high.


I actually liked Duncanville's show believe it or not. I mean, certainly not designed to be an "entertaining" type of show, but it was rather a show designed to impress crowds. I enjoyed the fanfares, the section features later on in the show, and October...


I enjoy October; it's hands down one of my top 5 favorite pieces ever written. I am ALWAYS let down any time I see October on the field because it loses the magic and beauty that the piece creates. Duncanville did not let me down. Props to them for making October as beautiful on the field as it is in a concert setting.


I know it's your opinion, and I respect that, but how could not feel that Duncanville deserved to be in the top 3? I've said before, I liked their show, but I am not fond of the type of performances that Duncanville puts on.


Preferences of show types aside, Duncanville executed their show to its full potential. They had a show worthy of being placed 3rd among ALL other 5A bands in the state. Not to mention that there are over thirty 5A districts in the state, most of which have 5-6 schools MINIMUM.


If it were MY choice on who got what ranking at state, I would have put Churchill 1st, LD Bell 2nd, and it would've been up in the air for third between Duncanville and Cedar Park. Yes, I feel Churchill deserved to win state because they executed their show better in the evening. Ironically enough, they had a group of students fall in prelims and got first. Bell had a student fall at the very end. Maybe to win state, you have to have at least one fall in your show...

OK, jokes aside, that is what I would have put. But that is why UIL has a panel of 5 judges to do this job for us. A group of men and women that have a degree in music and work at either a college or professional level with music. If Duncanville earned 3rd amongst the decision of 5 musicians, then they must have earned it. If LD Bell finished 1st in state finals despite Churchill having an outstanding finals performance having 5th place to show for it, then so be it as well. Personally, I think it is EXTREMELY difficult to rank the top 10 bands in the state for UIL. Texas flat out has one too many good bands.

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