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wow that ending though, really difficult for high school. what I've noticed is that the harder the show the more the kids will be able to grow with it. This method was used by CTJ, Leander, Cedar Ridge making no room for dominance anymore.


Hey I go to Wakeland too!! :P


Kidding aside, I agree with everything that is being said. Another group that has made huge strides in the past two years. I'm excited to see how they fare this season. Pretty sure I like this show even better than last years' nationals show. another band making BOA impossible to predict... ugh. 


Good problem to have, though


Wakeland: Cannot wait to see this in person on Halloween night. Calling it right now that they make finals. I'm also going to predict they sweep their class this weekend and try to take Visual and a class placement from LISD at San Antonio prelims. I'm so glad they and CTJ 2014 are proving that a UIL year is no excuse for a subpar visual package. I hope they're awarded properly for what I'm sure they'll achieve in four weeks' time and continue to push the envelope for visual design.


Reagan: I get the same vibe I do from Hebron 2013. I *personally* don't get much out of it, but I completely understand *why* it won Conroe and why it's going to be a serious contender for 1st at San Antonio.


I think Carmel's show is really fascinating, and I think we'll be seeing them place as high as always at Nationals. I think Avon is performing their show better right now, but Carmel definitely has the material to top them with a good enough performance. I'll echo my opinion about Avon's music performance and say that I don't think Carmel sounds very good right now (or whenever that video was taken), but I'm sure they'll sound a lot better by nationals.


Reagan... I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I think it's an excellent show. In fact, it's probably their best since 2012, when they made national finals for the first time since 2005. But if I'm being honest, the show is a little bit underwhelming, especially considering the groups they beat at Conroe. The music performance in particular is a bit rough. I think the brass sound could be A LOT more blended. As principalagent stated, it's one of those shows where I can absolutely see why somebody would like it, particularly because it is quite sentimental, but it's just not really connecting with me, musically or visually. Well, except for that one moment in the ballad when all the girls in white dresses converge in the middle. That was pretty eye-popping.


Assuming there's probably a tad more at the end, but wow.  Reagan's one of the biggest surprises of the year for me.  That's a pretty killer show.  






1) I am actually really sad that they replace the flute solo in the ballad with vocals. I think the flute was more effective. 2) They need to tone down those vocals... It gets very overwhelming at times.




Nooo! Why'd they get rid of the flute soloist?


I know it is the homer in me, but when I see people talking about LISD, I go first to Lewisville ISD (not Leander ISD).

Lewisville ISD: Hebron, Marcus, Flower Mound, (Lewisville HS program is improving too)


 Other programs typically don't post their shows early on in the season whether it be because of copyright or because of the program not wanting other competing schools to see their show or both. Like I know that Bowie is usually very private and does well about keeping their show off the internet until the end of the season.



30 seconds of The Woodlands (SO FRUSTRATING):





Curious how long this will stay on youtube after I post it


really interesting. Just feels and sounds a lot different than their usual shows. Just from that clip, the music book sounds much harder than anything they've done lately. Definitely some balancing issues and struggles with heroes (Granted it might just be the camera and the angle). Woodwinds sound great, and seem to be getting much more exposure/playing time than their last nationals show. I can see how this needs time to develop and might not be a hurricane right out of the gates. I'm dying to see the whole thing.


There's a 2-part video of Blue Springs on YouTube. The video angles are horrible, but they're definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with at Nationals. I'm obsessed with their drum break. Plus that flute choir at the end of Hymn of Acxiom is fantastic and very beautiful. I hope they come back to San Antonio soon.



There's a 2-part video of Blue Springs on YouTube. The video angles are horrible, but they're definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with at Nationals. I'm obsessed with their drum break. I hope they come back to San Antonio soon.

I was actually upset they missed GN finals in 2013, had them well in. That was fun when they came down. They're definitely welcome back. Seem said videos, that show looks INCREDIBLY interesting. They topped Union by around a point and a half yesterday. Fantastic program.



Oh man... I love Short Ride in a Fast Machine on the field. I'm aging myself here but Westfield 2000 anyone?

Yeah! Love that articulation feature. Ballad is going to be awesome in the dome. They also apparently have more to add to the end. Should be interesting!


30 seconds of The Woodlands (SO FRUSTRATING):





Curious how long this will stay on youtube after I post it


I wish the video were taken from higher up (and were longer). That's the part of their show that always stands out to me as the weakest part on the audio recordings. It always sounded rickety, like they were playing it on the move and struggling with it a bit, and now I have confirmation of that. I think that those 30 seconds are pretty close to a complete mess musically, though, oddly, not visually. Still, I'm not too worried about it. Sure, they're playing one of the toughest music books this year and doing it while flying, but they've got plenty of time to nail it down before Nationals. Anyway, I'm definitely happy to finally see a little bit of their drill! It looks marvelous, but then, it was done by Vanderkolff (of Blast and Bluecoats fame), so I wouldn't have expected anything less. I'm wondering what the props are for -- the ramp and the colorful globe things in the back. I'm not a big fan of props that just sit there.


Re-reading my last post, I feel like I pretty much just quoted my comments on the Avon and Carmel videos: "I don't think they sound very good right now, but they always sound a lot better by Nationals." Heh. Although, in TW's defense, it is just 30 seconds and probably one of the toughest parts of their show. Still, in Texasland, if they don't shape up, 30 seconds of weak music could do them in. Their competitors sound (or will sound) AMAZING.


All I can think about is Napoleon Dynamite at the beginning.  :P  I need to watch that again..............lol.


But seriously, they sound fantastic!  Guard's looking strong, percussion is killer as expected.  Front ensemble is fantastic.  Can't get a good read visually.  Director change hasn't slighted them in the least.  


This video of Cedar Ridge doesn't show their closer which brings back memories of L.D. Bell's 2007 Grand National championship show Transcendence.  Which I believe with a lot more refining (which can happen in two weeks!!!) will allow CR to jump into finals at San Antonio. I think musically Cedar Ridge can hold it's own against Wakeland.  

What I've seen a lot from the big named bands are shows built for stadiums, which will benefit greatly in that two day prelims setting. 

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