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Right, that's what I was getting at; they haven't seen anyone at UIL. They may be doing very well in the BOA scene but BOA and UIL are judged extremely differently.


But they have been dominating in UIL competition as well.  Leander ISD swept the top 4 spots last year and the top 3 two years before that.  Combine the competitiveness at BOA and domination at UIL, and I don't see any reason to expect them not to be right there in the mix in Finals at the 6A contest this year.


The whole "difficulty doesn't matter in UIL" argument was shattered for me when CTJ medaled at state in 2014 with the Symphonic Metamorphosis show (name is escaping me). That year there performed the snot out of a show that was wicked hard compared to others, but they still had portions of their show where the visual wasn't even close to 100% perfection like we've seen from Marcus,etc. lately. I think it all balances out a lot more evenly than the stereotype makes us believe.


As for Vandegrift not consistently performing like they did at Austin finals.. isn't that a GOOD thing? It's the 28th of September. You don't want to come out of the gates performing at your optimal level. If y'alls observations are true, they still are struggling with stuff, which is a good thing. Longevity is the name of the game as most of y'all know. Alas, I think this is finally the right step of direction for them since their 2013 win. Starting to find their identity.


Speaking of identity, it's been so cool to see Leander flourish in the one they've had going since 2014. Such consistently great products the past few years.


As with everyone, I'm excited for the showdown we will see come November. Pumped to see bands at the Dallas regional next weekend.


I think Westlake has a decent shot at state finals, considering their strong start and their typical growth trajectory. The big issue will be making it out of area. Area H could potentially advance only 3 bands, and they would have to fight Vista Ridge for that 3rd spot (who I think could also sneak into finals).


Judging from the fact that Bluecoats won DCI this year and that whatever happens in the DCI world has an immediate aftermath in the UIL World. I can give proper examples. It has been pretty consistent but it also follows the Texas Band Theory that "Anything, and I mean, anything can happen."



In 2013, Carolina Crown won the 2013 DCI World Championship

Later in the same year, the Woodlands Marching Band, won 1st place at BOA San Antonio Super Regionals, only to later decimate the BOA Grand Nationals Championship and became the Champion for that year. Also, Marcus lost their reign in BOA Regionals when Hebron made 1st at BOA Allen. Only to make 8th place at San Antonio Super Regionals but I'm not being rude or dissing any bands so I wouldn't mention the 8th place part. Just the loosing their reign. 


In 2014, During the 2014 DCI World Championship Finals ( I believe), One of the snare drums in Carolina Crown fell off, only for a percussion judge to pick up the snare drum and hand it back to the poor snare drum player. Later in the year, 2014 in Area B I believe, One of the snare drums actually fell off of one of the players in the L.D. Bell Marching Band thus, indirectly resulting in them not making it to finals. Also, Round Rock and James Bowie didn't make it to finals or state for undisclosed reason. Actually no, I think I might have gotten the wrongs band it might have been a different 3 known state finalist that didn't make state. Oh not to mention, Bluecoats had the Tilt show and came in second yet Blue Devil received some perfect scores.  Also, at BOA San Antonio Super Regionals, Leander H.S. made first place. A first time for them. :P


In 2015, for some reason I have forgotten what had happened during the 2015 DCI season other than Blue Devils winning again. But, at san antonio super regionals the top three were three bands that have not been in the top 3 at super regionals in a while xD :P


In 2016, Bluecoats won 2016 DCI World Championship Finals, and given history something is bound to happen in BOA and UIL both because they are influenced by DCI indirectly in some wierd magical music connection wizardry sorcery


Note that i did not lost entirely all what have happened because I cannot remember it all.


Just to be clear, Leander got 2nd and 3rd (each round) at 2014 BOA SA. They had won a regular season regional before in the 90s. Also, a year may not be a while for CTJ, who actually won BOA SA in 2014 and placed 3rd in 2015.


I will agree that anything can happen this season, and especially tomorrow!


Correlation does not imply causation. Besides most of your statements don't even make much sense. And James Bowie did not miss State in 2014. In fact they were first in Area D and 2nd in state prelims (4th in finals). Regardless I do agree that anything can happen.


I'm not gonna say anything until after all of the area competitions are over, flower mound has the coolest show, knowing hebron they will be playing rediculously articulate stuff, and Marcus will probably be the cleanest. Vandegrift the huge outlier, I have no idea where they will end up.


Considering FloMo's performances yesterday at BOA Plano, I wouldn't be surprised if this year didn't turn out to be an LISD year, or even a Marcus or Hebron one. Heck, FloMo blew everyone out of the park by 4 points!


Yeah I think Marcus has about half of their closer, hebron had about 15 seconds of it. Both aren't as clean as flowermound but we all know where they will end up


What impresses me about Flower Mound is their time management skills. Since all Texas bands are beholden to the 8 hour rule it is pretty dang impressive that Flower Mound had their entire show wrapped up in a bow by October 1.


Perhaps UIL should observe Flower Mounds practices and use it as a model for the 8 hour rule in Texas. I think those observations would be very beneficial and eye opening for other band programs.


Not just time management skills, part of it is also how much the band really wants it. You can just as well do something really fast but keep it sloppy, because there is little motivation on the students' part.


If motivation and "wanting it" from the students was all it took then there would probably be about 30-50 elite bands in Texas all competing for gold. Once you get to a certain point, show design and instruction is everything (especially in the BOA world). It's why bands like Flower Mound, Round Rock, and Leander all exploded onto the scene in a short amount of time (although Leander already had a successful history, but they got WAY better in the matter of one year back in 2014). All of those bands probably had very talented and motivated members long before they were what they are now. They just stepped up their show design game to highlight the talent they had. And when it comes to instructors, Marcus for example has been such a monster musically because their instructors took their talented individual performers and focused heavily on maturing their sound as an ensemble into what it has been the past decade, it's not because the kids simply wanted to be the best band musically. And I'm not trying to say that motivation and effort isn't important, because it's extremely important. I'm just saying a ton of bands in Texas have kids that are just as motivated as Flower Mound.


What impresses me about Flower Mound is their time management skills. Since all Texas bands are beholden to the 8 hour rule it is pretty dang impressive that Flower Mound had their entire show wrapped up in a bow by October 1.


Perhaps UIL should observe Flower Mounds practices and use it as a model for the 8 hour rule in Texas. I think those observations would be very beneficial and eye opening for other band programs.


Definitely agree with the second point.  Though in my opinion it has less to do with time management, and more about focus.  Flower Mound was a strong group in the 2000's, regularly making finals at most competitions, even if they weren't always in the top 5....then in 2012; major staff change. Each year since, Flower Mound has consistently outdone itself....Now we're in Year 4, the culmination of that change, as all students who were used to the "old way" have graduated and we now have one unified group that has only known the new staff.


What do I mean by focus?  Well, there are bands in this state where every rehearsal is dead quiet, no idle chatter, and 100% of students will RUN back to their sets every single time.  There are bands where section leaders have the authority to lay the hammer down on their underlings, and said underlings comply willingly, determined to do better.   Then imagine a band director who proceeds to take all of the above and kick it into overdrive by dramatically increasing the pace/speed of the rehearsal.  That's probably what you meant by time management.  But I'll add that focus also has a lot to do with "Hmm....well this 2 hour practice just got over....should I go home, or should I stay in the band hall and practice my region music for another hour?".  Focused bands do the latter.  If you have 200 kids who all make up their minds to do that, then 8 hour rule or 4 hour rule isn't going to dramatically change the outcome.



Definitely agree with the second point.  Though in my opinion it has less to do with time management, and more about focus.  Flower Mound was a strong group in the 2000's, regularly making finals at most competitions, even if they weren't always in the top 5....then in 2012; major staff change. Each year since, Flower Mound has consistently outdone itself....Now we're in Year 4, the culmination of that change, as all students who were used to the "old way" have graduated and we now have one unified group that has only known the new staff.


What do I mean by focus?  Well, there are bands in this state where every rehearsal is dead quiet, no idle chatter, and 100% of students will RUN back to their sets every single time.  There are bands where section leaders have the authority to lay the hammer down on their underlings, and said underlings comply willingly, determined to do better.   Then imagine a band director who proceeds to take all of the above and kick it into overdrive by dramatically increasing the pace/speed of the rehearsal.  That's probably what you meant by time management.  But I'll add that focus also has a lot to do with "Hmm....well this 2 hour practice just got over....should I go home, or should I stay in the band hall and practice my region music for another hour?".  Focused bands do the latter.  If you have 200 kids who all make up their minds to do that, then 8 hour rule or 4 hour rule isn't going to dramatically change the outcome.


To that point I'd say it really comes down to excellence in leadership and management from the top down. I'd posit that getting 100% of a 250+ group of students takes a lot. The staff has to establish a structure of authority via management from adults and student leaders (student leaders being widely defined from designated leaders to upperclassmen who kind of assume that role locally). Every member of staff also needs to motivate the kids and not only inspire them, but also have them inspire each other. I'd imagine the FloMo band hall to be an intriguing ecosystem!


To add to this discussion, it takes all of the above; just like any company, organization, athletic team etc.  You have to have talent and coaches/directors who understand how to build that talent.  You then have to have a staff that knows how to use that talent in the best possible way.  Lastly, you then have to bring creativity and innovation which provides the excitement and carrot to push the envelope.


Virtually every program out there has some great students yet fall below expectations for the entire band.  Likewise, there are many football teams that have talented individuals that under perform as a team.  The vision, management and clarity in what you're trying to achieve is the formula for most all organizational success.  If any one piece is missing, it is very difficult to perform at a high level - regardless of the organization.  As was stated below it is leadership.  In schools it starts at the district level and down from there.  It is no accident that the two Texas LISD's (Leander and Lewisville) have multiple powerhouse band programs within the same district while other far richer districts do not field bands like that.


Point to ponder....what would an all LISD competition look like right now - all of the Leander schools and all of the Lewisville schools going head to head.  We basically have that at BOA SA this year but wouldn't that be an exciting head to head competition!!!!!

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