Sicemb Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 What is your band director like during rehearsal? Outside of rehearsal? Do you think they do a good job? Do they know what they are doing? Who is your director???? Quote
chickora Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Ed Stein- hmm, this guy is the weirdest man I've ever known. You can never tell if he is serious or sarcastic. He rarely smiles. Seems to just walk around and say hello to random people. I don't know how he is like during rehearsal only from Marching Band..and he tends to call people names a lot. Usually tends to pick on the people who are on his radar. It takes one dumb thing a person does to get on his radar. Steve Roeder(sp?)- who is our symphonic band director....he is a really funny guy, and always makes fun of people without really laughing about it. The drumline loves to make jokes about him..and he secretely is a funny person in band rehearsal. He does not accept hoarsing around. Just all all band directors. I don't know much about him though. Thomas Rainey aka Doc- Say the words "What's up Doc?".. You will no longer have the privilage of calling him Doc. You will have to call him Dr. Thomas Rainey. He is well educated man and calls teaching his hobby. He is Italian and proud of it. Also, acts very sexist, but usually is kidding around. Funny guy, very patient too. He rarely yells at people in our band. It's crazy. I really do love them all. Quote
QuadraticBeats Posted December 2, 2005 Posted December 2, 2005 Mr. Christian seems to be rather tense during rehearsal (he's also mildly sexist at times). He seems to withhold his annoyance about whatever it is that annoys him so much about rehearsal until he reaches some sort of threshold of annoyance and picks out some random person (sometimes section) who usually happened to screw something up just a moment before and make them feel like crap... sometimes threatens the offender(s) with a removal of a part if they continue to screw up, and does so. When it comes to him allowing the person to redeem their part later, I have no idea, but I haven't seen it happen yet. Kind've ironic that the band seems tense at rehearsal... I'm glad to be in our lower band for at least that, as our assistant director teaches the lower bands. He has high standards, can be sarcastic, but he is funny about it and is not so intimidating or taunting. He might mock someone or a note sometimes, but he doesn't demean the player. I personally think he'd be a better director, but he doesn't have the degree that our head director does. (HD has Master's, AD has Bachelor's) Alot of the time, though, I feel like our BD neglects fundamentals... it's our band's biggest problem. I think he doesn't understand how weak our fundamentals are... Our percussion instructor is like our assistant director, a bit more harsh sometimes, more serious, but still funny (His biggest problem with us is the immaturity of the freshmen in the percussion section acting like dorks, but he tolerates it most of the time; doesn't really mess with them unless they're causing trouble). He wants us to do well, and doesn't tolerate us playing like crap- he will cut off if we have bad attacks. If a section has trouble playing a part, he works it out or changes it if that fails. Unlike our head band director, though, he allows for sections to regain their parts at trouble spots if they can come and prove that they can consistently play it. Unless of course, it's been a while since it got cut... I wish the winds were directed more like the percussion section. Quote
sax5warrior Posted December 2, 2005 Posted December 2, 2005 My director... Reads this website. lol, seriously? Quote
TRtrumpet Posted December 2, 2005 Posted December 2, 2005 Hmm lol I hope mine doeset... oh well. Well mines cool I dont have any problems with him. Our old director SUCKED. Quote
mbui Posted December 3, 2005 Posted December 3, 2005 You have no idea how many directors in the state/nation read and access this forum and website. Just watch what you say on here....I don't want any of you guys to get in trouble. I've seen it happen plenty of times over the years on other forums. Just a heads up before it gets negative. Quote
Aegis Fang Posted December 3, 2005 Posted December 3, 2005 What is your band director like during rehearsal? Outside of rehearsal? Do you think they do a good job? Do they know what they are doing? Who is your director???? Well lets see. First off, my director has been a middle school concert director for about 10 years, and since our old director has been moved, he is now head director at our high school. He does a terrible job, he is insane and just plain dumb. And put into perspective just how bad he is... last year, our top band played Russian Christmas Music, and it was fantastic. Now they're playing Joy to the World in quarter notes. Our assistant director marched for Tar Heel *division 1 drum corps which has folded in the past*, he knows what he's doing, he's a really smart guy... but doesn't have much common sense. Our directors suck Quote
twizzlaar Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 our directors are great! Beth Bronk - she is such a sweet lady, but if you make her made... watch out! Randy Leifeste (known as "coach") - we all joke and call him old. he's very sarcastic. Ed Gonzales (known as "G". also the colorgaurd instructor) - it's hard to tell whether or not he is joking or being serious. i don't think he likes me much.... they make band awesome! Quote
The S Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 Ed Gonzales (known as "G". also the colorgaurd instructor) - it's hard to tell whether or not he is joking or being serious. i don't think he likes me much.... Wow, we call our director G. Quote
Babette Posted December 22, 2005 Posted December 22, 2005 Anthony Robinson- Head director. He's a good director, and definatly knows what he's doing. He knows music really well. He tells stories sometimes that are funny, but currently he's really uptight about going to Iraq (can't blame him) and he's being rather rude. Alexia Riser- She a pretty good director, she's still really new though. She's only been a director for 4 years. In class she's cool. Outside of class, she's a witch. Josie Ross- I don't know aobut her. She can teach music, but she's too nice about it. One of our senior flute players swear you hate her after she looks at you after you play something, and keeps a smile and says "That was absolutly horrible!" and sounds cheerful about it. Cliffton Walker- Gosh, he's young. He's a good director. He loves dynamics. He's been teaching for 2 years, but he's good. He's our marching and symphonic director. he's the same in class as he is out of class. I swear sometiems he had a sex change. hes PMSs like crazy! Miss Davis- I have no clue. I've never b3een under her direction. Quote
Skippy Posted December 22, 2005 Posted December 22, 2005 They are the coolest teachers I have ever had. Quote
ClaireAnnette07 Posted December 23, 2005 Posted December 23, 2005 Well, lets see...Even though our head band director can be a huge jerk during marching practice (he tends to get in a horrible mood during), he's a cool person to talk to. It turns out that he IS human and all of us applied music kids who get the chance to talk to him have stuff in common with him. He's cool during sectionals..I guess the mood's lighter than a full band rehearsal. Oh, and he gives me solos for concert season AND made me section leader for marching season, so I can't complain . Our new assistant band director comes all the way from Colorado! He's younger (I heard he was like, 28??) so that makes it easier to talk to him. He's also breaking the head BD's patterns (he tends to do the same things over and over and over) and he called a section leader meeting at the end of summer band which totally shocked me, and from what I've heard, he's the reason for the easier transition into a hard set (for my section anyway) and for the visual we had at the end of the season. Only thing I don't like about him-THE BLOCK! He brought a block and a drumstick out to practice one day and decided that he would beat the block to use as a metronome. Did i also mention that he tends to get it by everyones ears and it's LOUD!? Uh-huh..I know from personal experience. Quote
mitchellbc Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 Well, our head director was also my junior high director... Good thing I get a long with her because she has been/is gonna be my director for a really long time. She's a brilliant music educator and she has a very loud personality. Talk about perfectionist... but I suppose in the music world, that's a good thing - perhaps that's why her bands always thrive. Our 2nd band director is also our marching tech. He's well, he marched Cavies if that says anything. He too, is a perfectionist. In comparison to other directors, he's fairly new at this... but he's not doing a bad job. He's another one of those directors where it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between sarcasm and seriousness. Our percussion director - well, I don't know enough about him to say anything... I'm not in percussion. Quote
thesnareguy Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 no comment either.........they all have their moments Quote
TRtrumpet Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 Mr. K- He's a cool guy. He's fairly new. He got here in 2003 I think. He turned our band around alot... we used to have like 10 people and we got a "4" in UIL in 2003. Now were abot 40 (Slowly growing). Were combined with 7th graders (There actualy not that bad, but some of them walk around the field like lost midgets ). We got a "2" in UIL this year, but that doesent mean we didnt work our butts off to acheive it. I see us getting a "1" next year... hopefully. Isasis (sp?)- He rocks! He's our percussion tech. He pretty young. I think like 23 or 24 maybe younger. He goofs around with us on the busses and at games and stuff, but he's serisous when he needs to be. JJ- Shes the flag person... dont know much about her. Im not in guard lol. Were supposed to have an assistant director next year! Quote
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