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Huh? Where did you hear that?

I saw from the BOA forums that it's listed on their band calendar right now. However, it seems that so is every other major competition. So perhaps they aren't.


Texas desperately needs representation though, and pretty much any top 20 band from San Antonio this past fall would be a lock for finals if they went. 


It's listed on the calendar, but so are some other competitions that we are NOT going to. There has been NO communication about GNs this year within the band, so I am pretty sure it's not happening.

Well, a false alarm, but one I was extremely excited about! Hopefully they'll go in the future. 


Well, a false alarm, but one I was extremely excited about! Hopefully they'll go in the future. 

I wish they would go this fall since my son won't be there until the year after.  The amount of fundraising....ugh


One complication to the fact that we don't have any confirmations yet is that it is very likely that all 100 GN spots are already filled and anybody else wanting to attend would be on the wait list.


Any band can sign up to attend on any given year. Given the travel costs, though, you will rarely see a Texas group attend who has not been a consistent regional or super regional finalist. If they're going to ask families to spend that kind of money, directors want to be certain they have a strong chance to make finals.


If there are really are NO Texas bands at GN this year, this could be the year where we really start to see BOA SA become a true GN-type contest. It's kind of a signal that Texas bands don't think it's worth the time or money to go to Indy when we have SA so close by. This could definitely be starting an interesting precedent of power consolidation in Texas, even more so than last year.


If there are really are NO Texas bands at GN this year, this could be the year where we really start to see BOA SA become a true GN-type contest. It's kind of a signal that Texas bands don't think it's worth the time or money to go to Indy when we have SA so close by. This could definitely be starting an interesting precedent of power consolidation in Texas, even more so than last year.


You also have to take in to account that this is a 6A State year.  You typically don't see many Texas programs go to Grand Nationals on even numbered years.  With the 2017 Super Regional being ridiculously good, everyone is on notice.  It is extremely difficult to program a show that will do well at State and Grand Nationals.    



You also have to take in to account that this is a 6A State year. You typically don't see many Texas programs go to Grand Nationals on even numbered years. With the 2017 Super Regional being ridiculously good, everyone is on notice. It is extremely difficult to program a show that will do well at State and Grand Nationals.

Point taken, but some 5A bands could potentially make the trip up like we’ve seen times in the past, and of course Leander was able to somehow compete in state and GN in 2016. I just think it’s interesting that we’re only a few months out from summer and we have no GM commits yet.


Leander was still 5A in 2016. Reagan was the only 6A that competed in State, SA Super Regional and Grand Nationals from TX. At least the only to make finals in all three.


Leander was still 5A in 2016. Reagan was the only 6A that competed in State, SA Super Regional and Grand Nationals from TX. At least the only to make finals in all three.

Actually we were 6A, believe me I remember that crazy 9 days WELL!!!!


Actually we were 6A, believe me I remember that crazy 9 days WELL!!!!


I'm planning on doing that this fall for BOA/State/Nationals, I cannot even imagine trying to be in charge of a program in a week like that let alone just going as a spectator.  I don't envy the logistics of that.  


My bad. I thought Leander and Cedar Park moved up after 2016. Yes it was a very hectic time and understandable that CTJ skipped State and Bowie skipped SA.

Cedar Park is still 5A. Only Leander, Vandy and Vista Ridge moved up to 6A in the fall of 2016. It was exciting for sure!


I'm planning on doing that this fall for BOA/State/Nationals, I cannot even imagine trying to be in charge of a program in a week like that let alone just going as a spectator. I don't envy the logistics of that.

And we drove all of it! Austin to SA for both BOA SA and 6A state, then to Indy directly from state. Then back to Austin that Sunday. Crazy! The band flew, tho, so that helped a little.

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