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Looks like you got cut off mid sentence? I will get that darn flu shot, I’m sure.


Looks like I will be watching this one from FloMarching for sure now. My 27 year old daughter finally got word today that she’s been accepted into the park ranger program with the state of California and we hit the road tomorrow morning. She and I will be pulling a uhaul behind her SUV, and we gotta be in Sacramento by Friday so she can be measured for uniforms. This has been an 18 month long, very expensive process, and we had all but given up hope these last few weeks that it was going to happen, but it is finally becoming a reality for her. Class for the program starts on Monday and I am so excited for and proud of her!!


Congratulations to her!


Drive safely. I think the tropical storm in the Pacific (Sergio) will stay south of you if you take a more northerly route to Sacramento. Looks like what will be left of it will be around El Paso on Saturday.


Earlier today...


Wife: When does the new Top 30 go up?

Me: Today.

Wife: What time?

Me: When it's done.

Wife: So you're telling me it's run by a bunch of guys?

Me: I think they're single too...

This is the Post Of The Day.


Earlier today...


Wife: When does the new Top 30 go up?

Me: Today.

Wife: What time?

Me: When it's done.

Wife: So you're telling me it's run by a bunch of guys?

Me: I think they're single too...


hahahaha! This is the funniest thing I've read in a while!!


Earlier today...


Wife: When does the new Top 30 go up?

Me: Today.

Wife: What time?

Me: When it's done.

Wife: So you're telling me it's run by a bunch of guys?

Me: I think they're single too...

Well, this made me laugh so loud it woke the dog and wife up


Congratulations, that's fantastic! I grew up in Northern California behind the Redwood Curtain. Being a California Park Ranger will never make her financially rich but she will live a rich life in so many other ways. Most people have no idea how hard it is to land that job. It is truly one of the universe's greatest karmic rewards.

She’s so excited. This has truly been her dream for years now. She got both her bachelors and her masters in criminal justice and she has been biding her time, working at a job she hated (but kept it for the good pay and benefits), and waiting on this insane 18 month long process to wotk out in her favor. They started with over 500 candidates and narrowed it down to 40 that they actually gave contracts to. We’ve been on pins and needles the last few weeks waiting on the final word and steadily losing hope as the class start day loomed ever closer. Lots of tears have been shed this past week or so as she and I pretty much lost hope after being SO sure she had it wrapped up. (Man there’s nothing more painful than seeing your child work so very hard for something just to have it yanked away at the last minute). Today’s phone call was such a joyous celebration. My baby is going to get to live her dream!


Congratulations to her!


Drive safely. I think the tropical storm in the Pacific (Sergio) will stay south of you if you take a more northerly route to Sacramento. Looks like what will be left of it will be around El Paso on Saturday.

Oh gosh, I’ve been so focused on Hurricane Michael, I didn’t notice there was another one!


We plan to go up to Lubbock, then west across New Mexico to Albuquerque tomorrow. Then on to Bakersfield on Thursday, and Sacramento on Friday. Gonna be a long trip!


Earlier today...


Wife: When does the new Top 30 go up?

Me: Today.

Wife: What time?

Me: When it's done.

Wife: So you're telling me it's run by a bunch of guys?

Me: I think they're single too...

:D :D :D


It’s a miracle it gets done at all, right?


So if I wanted to meet the famous Danpod at Waco, where could I find him?

The TxBands crew is usually right on the 50 as far back as possible. Just look for the TxBands shirts and laptops at the top of the stands!!


Just confirmed. Cedar Park's show should leave you in tears on Saturday. Rehearsal left my wife in tears last night. Not just that's pretty tears.....it was that's so sad type of tears. 



Just confirmed. Cedar Park's show should leave you in tears on Saturday. Rehearsal left my wife in tears last night. Not just that's pretty tears.....it was that's so sad type of tears.



The TxBands crew is usually right on the 50 as far back as possible. Just look for the TxBands shirts and laptops at the top of the stands!!

Thanks! I will 100% be there instead of with my own band, that's for sure.


She’s so excited. This has truly been her dream for years now. She got both her bachelors and her masters in criminal justice and she has been biding her time, working at a job she hated (but kept it for the good pay and benefits), and waiting on this insane 18 month long process to wotk out in her favor. They started with over 500 candidates and narrowed it down to 40 that they actually gave contracts to. We’ve been on pins and needles the last few weeks waiting on the final word and steadily losing hope as the class start day loomed ever closer. Lots of tears have been shed this past week or so as she and I pretty much lost hope after being SO sure she had it wrapped up. (Man there’s nothing more painful than seeing your child work so very hard for something just to have it yanked away at the last minute). Today’s phone call was such a joyous celebration. My baby is going to get to live her dream!

Being from a Career Law Enforcement/Investigative background(43 years), I can appreciate what she went through to get this job. One of my good friends son just completed the Law Enforcement Course at the US Park Service Academy in CO and is stationed at Yellowstone National Park(Tough job but someone has to do it.). Growing up in CA, I hope she is fortunate to get assigned Up in the Armstrong Redwoods near Eureka. Most beautiful part of a beautiful state that unfortunately has far to many problems for me to want to deal with. I have a nephew just joined the Police Department in Sanger, CA. His father my brother was a career Police Officer in CA.  May she have a great career serving in this dual hatted job. 


She’s so excited. This has truly been her dream for years now. She got both her bachelors and her masters in criminal justice and she has been biding her time, working at a job she hated (but kept it for the good pay and benefits), and waiting on this insane 18 month long process to wotk out in her favor. They started with over 500 candidates and narrowed it down to 40 that they actually gave contracts to. We’ve been on pins and needles the last few weeks waiting on the final word and steadily losing hope as the class start day loomed ever closer. Lots of tears have been shed this past week or so as she and I pretty much lost hope after being SO sure she had it wrapped up. (Man there’s nothing more painful than seeing your child work so very hard for something just to have it yanked away at the last minute). Today’s phone call was such a joyous celebration. My baby is going to get to live her dream!

Best of luck to her!! Congratulations!!


Being from a Career Law Enforcement/Investigative background(43 years), I can appreciate what she went through to get this job. One of my good friends son just completed the Law Enforcement Course at the US Park Service Academy in CO and is stationed at Yellowstone National Park(Tough job but someone has to do it.). Growing up in CA, I hope she is fortunate to get assigned Up in the Armstrong Redwoods near Eureka. Most beautiful part of a beautiful state that unfortunately has far to many problems for me to want to deal with. I have a nephew just joined the Police Department in Sanger, CA. His father my brother was a career Police Officer in CA. May she have a great career serving in this dual hatted job.

Thank you so much. She really would like to be in one of the Redwood state parks. We visited Arnold in June after she completed some of her testing in Sacramento, and it was incredible beyond words. Those trees!! They are truly amazing. She scored in the top 2% on the test she took, so supposedly she gets to be one of the first cadets to choose which park she wants to work in.


I'm with you, though. California has way too many issues for me to ever want to move there, but it sure will be nice to explore it when I'm visiting my daughter! :)


Growing up in CA, I hope she is fortunate to get assigned Up in the Armstrong Redwoods near Eureka. Most beautiful part of a beautiful state that unfortunately has far to many problems for me to want to deal with. 

I grew up in Arcata, about seven miles north of Eureka. (See, I told you I went to a small, fairly isolated, economically depressed high school.) That area is easily one of the most beautiful in the world. And California certainly has problems, but doesn't Texas just have a different set? Picking a place to live is like picking a life partner. None of them are perfect, so find one you can live with and then don't focus on the imperfections. Enjoy the choice you made.


I see the big school versus small school choice the same way.


So apparently Waco is expecting thunderstorms on Saturday with an 80% chance of rain. We just can't get a break can we?

That forecast is probably going to change a few times by Saturday. No way to know for sure sometimes until the actual day.

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