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You know we play you guys next Friday at The Palace, right? My daughter(s?) and I will be sitting on the home side for that one if you want to come sit with an avid band nerd family at halftime! :)


I'll try to make it! It should be pretty fun :)


After seeing some bands this month I believe that the finals bands should be the same as last year. The fact is that this contest is super competitive, and how bands like Hendrickson, Cedar Ridge, Vista Ridge seem to be a sure bets means that making finals here in Austin will be a real challenge. Churchill might be the only band that's on the edge but even then Churchill has a strong reputation and it's never a good idea to count them out. 


So much of his music would, but he has always refused to allow his compositions to be licensed and played by marching bands.


I mean, as a marching band enthusiast, I would really love if he made his pieces accessible. On the other hand, if I were a composer I would be sad if my piece was heavily modified in a way that it no longer reflected the original intention of the composition. 


So much of his music would, but he has always refused to allow his compositions to be licensed and played by marching bands.


Not quite always, BA has been allowed to.


Not quite always, BA has been allowed to.


Well, it could have been an individual piece that was licensed and was available. For the most part, he has refused. I have a friend and schoolmate that does composing and arranging for high school and corps and he has been shot down every time he has requested it. Part of the reason is that he doesn't want his music to be played poorly and uses a shotgun approach by not letting anyone play his stuff.



LeanderMomma is in to first person RPGs?

You made comments about how old you felt in another thread...would you like to redact those comments?

There's some pretty awesome sounds in Star Citizen too.


Boi do not even bring up Star Citizen. I have so much to say but so little time, and this is not the place either.


Actually it’s the influence of all 3 of my grown daughters. They’re all pretty serious gamers in their off time. And my son-in-law is a graphic artist at Bethesda. If you ever have played Fall Out 4, that’s a lot of his art you’re seeing in that game.


I think the music in a lot of these games is just incredible. I even sent a suggestion once to the Leander directors that they do a whole show based on video games at some point. I didn’t get a response.

That is so cool! Im trying to become an artist for games or animations atm. I also love the music in games and wish to see them in shows all the time.


That is so cool! Im trying to become an artist for games or animations atm. I also love the music in games and wish to see them in shows all the time.


He's very gifted at what he does.  One of the top in the world!  He got his start in a small studio here in Austin and then he moved on to Warner Brothers and is now with Bethesda.  


Best of luck with your dreams!  :)


He's very gifted at what he does. One of the top in the world! He got his start in a small studio here in Austin and then he moved on to Warner Brothers and is now with Bethesda.


Best of luck with your dreams! :)


Gemini in Cedar Park?

My son is putting a portfolio together for admission.

No, he was with Retro Studios where he worked on the Metroid Prime game.


Here's some of his stuff. www.ilyanazarov.com


No, he was with Retro Studios where he worked on the Metroid Prime game.


Here's some of his stuff. www.ilyanazarov.com

Wow! Some of that stuff is crazy! He really has a huge part in shaping a lot of Fall Out 4's landscape! Haha who knew the fabled LeanderMomma had a connection to Bethesda. Your son has a real talent!


Wow! Some of that stuff is crazy! He really has a huge part in shaping a lot of Fall Out 4's landscape! Haha who knew the fabled LeanderMomma had a connection to Bethesda. Your son has a real talent!

He’s married to my oldest daughter, but yes, we are QUITE proud of him! He’s finishing up a new PC version of the Fall Out game now. Should be out soon!


Current forecast according to weather.com: Partly cloudy skies, high 77, low 62, light winds out of the north, 10% chance of rain.


Let's hope that forecast holds! Sounds perfect.

It would be nice to see stadiums with retractable roofs or domed. But that will never happen. Let's hope the weather keeps looking good.

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