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my favorite things....

-The power of Vandegrift!! Jaw on floor at the depth of sound as well as the flute craziness in Concerto for Orchestra.

-Leander being back! So much more demand while on the move than previous years. The ballad is also simply gorgeous. What a treat to hear Nino Rota’s Romeo & Juliet on the field and so clever to use it to help convey the polarity theme. Outstanding guard.

-I love Cedar Park’s fun shows that hit me over the head with the theme. Light years better from prelims to finals. The Euphonium battle was sensational as was the Can Can and the nicely done block drill during. Also seemed to be bringing a little more volume than last year, I thought.

-Vista Ridge’s new arrival! Even though they have been amazing forever, this just felt next level. Wow Wow Wow! I love the idea of using the spinning compass as a showcase for soloists and cool visual moments like when the whole cymbal line was up there. Incredible soloists! It just felt so fresh and interesting. Visually, the individual performers are so committed to incredible fundamentals which elevated the whole production even more.

-Hendrickson’s blue soloist - amazing player AND actor, as well! And you’ve got me hooked if you play Blue Rondo ala Turk on the field! Introducing high schoolers to Dave Brubeck’s music warms my heart!

-Cedar Ridge - Kashmir on the field with lovely vocal solo - yes!!! Polovtsian Dances - yes!!!! I thought it was beautiful and accessible in both theme and musical selections. Also the double (or triple?!) tonguing brass in Sabre Dance was on fire!

-The CTJ trombones are probably the section of the day - bringing the power and the beauty!


Overall, fantastic day of band!


That CTJ trombone quartet is the finest thing I heard all day.


In the case of Round Rock (which I loved), I think abstract shows don’t land as well as shows with tangible themes. I’m not saying “hurr hurr people are too dumb to understand”, it’s just that they don’t resonate with people as well as other shows like Leander or Vista.


my favorite things....

-The power of Vandegrift!! Jaw on floor at the depth of sound as well as the flute craziness in Concerto for Orchestra.

-Leander being back! So much more demand while on the move than previous years. The ballad is also simply gorgeous. What a treat to hear Nino Rota’s Romeo & Juliet on the field and so clever to use it to help convey the polarity theme. Outstanding guard.

-I love Cedar Park’s fun shows that hit me over the head with the theme. Light years better from prelims to finals. The Euphonium battle was sensational as was the Can Can and the nicely done block drill during. Also seemed to be bringing a little more volume than last year, I thought.

-Vista Ridge’s new arrival! Even though they have been amazing forever, this just felt next level. Wow Wow Wow! I love the idea of using the spinning compass as a showcase for soloists and cool visual moments like when the whole cymbal line was up there. Incredible soloists! It just felt so fresh and interesting. Visually, the individual performers are so committed to incredible fundamentals which elevated the whole production even more.

-Hendrickson’s blue soloist - amazing player AND actor, as well! And you’ve got me hooked if you play Blue Rondo ala Turk on the field! Introducing high schoolers to Dave Brubeck’s music warms my heart!

-Cedar Ridge - Kashmir on the field with lovely vocal solo - yes!!! Polovtsian Dances - yes!!!! I thought it was beautiful and accessible in both theme and musical selections. Also the double (or triple?!) tonguing brass in Sabre Dance was on fire!

-The CTJ trombones are probably the section of the day - bringing the power and the beauty!


Overall, fantastic day of band!

Those compasses were so cool! I loved the soprano solo. They’re a fantastic band.


The top four were absolutely SLAMMIN'


I was pullin for that 4 way tie but ctj had that good ol whataburger sponsorship (and a hella immersive show that cleans up like a nerd girl in a teen movie every time we see them to the next time we see them)


So much time until San Antonio, it's gonna be a goodyear™


In the case of Round Rock (which I loved), I think abstract shows don’t land as well as shows with tangible themes. I’m not saying “hurr hurr people are too dumb to understand”, it’s just that they don’t resonate with people as well as other shows like Leander or Vista.

It’s such a delicate balance. If a band wants to do an abstract theme or go for a very complex design, they have to put in extra effort to ensure that they can communicate the message effectively. I think one of the reasons why leander struggled last year was because their message was somewhat obfuscated by the really...esoteric design of their show.


my favorite things....

-The power of Vandegrift!! Jaw on floor at the depth of sound as well as the flute craziness in Concerto for Orchestra.

-Leander being back! So much more demand while on the move than previous years. The ballad is also simply gorgeous. What a treat to hear Nino Rota’s Romeo & Juliet on the field and so clever to use it to help convey the polarity theme. Outstanding guard.

-I love Cedar Park’s fun shows that hit me over the head with the theme. Light years better from prelims to finals. The Euphonium battle was sensational as was the Can Can and the nicely done block drill during. Also seemed to be bringing a little more volume than last year, I thought.

-Vista Ridge’s new arrival! Even though they have been amazing forever, this just felt next level. Wow Wow Wow! I love the idea of using the spinning compass as a showcase for soloists and cool visual moments like when the whole cymbal line was up there. Incredible soloists! It just felt so fresh and interesting. Visually, the individual performers are so committed to incredible fundamentals which elevated the whole production even more.

-Hendrickson’s blue soloist - amazing player AND actor, as well! And you’ve got me hooked if you play Blue Rondo ala Turk on the field! Introducing high schoolers to Dave Brubeck’s music warms my heart!

-Cedar Ridge - Kashmir on the field with lovely vocal solo - yes!!! Polovtsian Dances - yes!!!! I thought it was beautiful and accessible in both theme and musical selections. Also the double (or triple?!) tonguing brass in Sabre Dance was on fire!

-The CTJ trombones are probably the section of the day - bringing the power and the beauty!


Overall, fantastic day of band!

I for sure felt Leander’s presence last night! I don’t know anything about the program because I do not go there and can’t speak for them, but let me tell you that hornline plays with such an intensity. I can’t really chalk it up to energy, because it’s not that. Every program last night brought energy. It felt like to me that Leander’s brass was just playing ruthlessly, expecially on that opening statement. I think the judges picked up on that last night and that contributed them getting the music caption.


I honestly think round rock was caught in the glitz and glamour of Grand Nationals. They have been trying to style themselves as that type of marching band and it just hasn't landed yet. What's clear is that they are a fan favorite, and everyone roots for them to place within the top five but remember that in Texas anything can happen and some bands might just shock you for example vista ridge.



I honestly think round rock was caught in the glitz and glamour of Grand Nationals. They have been trying to style themselves as that type of marching band and it just hasn't landed yet. What's clear is that they are a fan favorite, and everyone roots for them to place within the top five but remember that in Texas anything can happen and some bands might just shock you for example vista ridge.

Would you mind elaborating? What is "that" type of marching band?


Well let me see if I can, their shows have been reminding me of a mixture between william mason and Tarpon which is not bad at all I love them both. I just think Rock hasn't hit a stride with it yet. My favorite show's from them were The Dragon & Acts of Light because they felt like a round rock show, it was unique to them. However, I understand every band has to shift and evolve based on what occurs over the years.


I found this interesting - there were 196 posts on the BOA Austin predictions page - while the order was off other than 1st and 8th - the top 10 were in fact the 10 finalist last night.  


does that mean Texas Bands have be come predictable? I doubt it - just food for thought (I apologize for my need to review analytics - just what I do)


Overall Score Analysis and Predicted Placements

  1. 2336 (Claudia Taylor Johnson)
  2. 2237 (Vandegrift)
  3. 1903 (Leander)
  4. 1724 (Cedar Park)
  5. 1420 (Round Rock)
  6. 1295 (James Bowie)
  7. 1100 (Cedar Ridge)
  8. 1068 (Robert E Hendrickson)
  9. 980 (Vista Ridge)
  10. 692 (Winston Churchill)

It just means that, individually we’re all imperfect estimators of a random variable (in this case, placements at a marching band contest). When you aggregate our beliefs, you can get a biased, but useful estimation of how a contest will be adjudicated.


I say biased because the majority of us either had vista ridge high or just in the finals in final, but we had our expectations of their placement based on past results, so they were ranked low. The opposite happened with round rock where we expected them to be in the top half because of their history of success at Austin, but they fell to the bottom half. Sometimes our predictions are actually pretty good, but a lot of times we can over- or underestimate simply because of the data we have.


a part of my life is also consumed with analytics :)


You have the right to be happy with what they are doing now, if you so choose. If someone else that was also in your band is not happy with it, that is also their right.

I don't disagree with that, but I don't believe that it is your right to be rude about it. The way it was said could have been better worded then it was; and it's why I was compelled to answer in the way that I did. As a recent member of that band I know that maintaining that legacy of success is very important to them, and saying something like what was said is not only very hurtful to those members, it did not offer any productive analysis of why they thought they lost that success. My point is that you have every right to call out a program on their laurels, if you so choose; but you don't have the right to say something rude to them for it. They have already recognized that it was rude and apologized so it's fine, but I just felt like I should clarify this further. 


Vista Ridge doesn't even have it's whole show on the field yet and still got a caption, Wow!  Looking forward to seeing the whole show!
It's going to be a fun year with all these great Texas Bands!

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