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would not change a thing - was just returning what I perceived as received


again - have a great day 

I'm disappointed to learn I misjudged you. I will update my opinion and expectations accordingly.


I also abdicate my crown to you, with a word of caution. An eye for an eye can only lead to an endless cycle of escalation and a blind community.


I would also ask, with little expectation that you will listen, that in the future you just skip the "have a great day" nonsense. Your use of that phrase follows an obvious trend and passive aggression is still aggression.


How about we put all this behind us and focus on the incredible talent and hard work these kids put in every year.  Regardless of school, district or state.  There are amazing shows being put on everywhere.  Lets focus on that.


Go marching band everywhere!!!!!!!


I admire your approach and humility. 

Thank you. I lost my temper in a controversial thread last season. As Maya Angelou said, "Now that I know better, I do better." Just trying to provide a pressure release where it seemed needed. Some of the steam was redirected my way but I can handle it. Maybe others will join the cause. I love intense, logical, friendly debate. Truth is found in this way.


The Dark Path only leads to pain.


(This is your geek alert. Better late than never?)


How about we put all this behind us and focus on the incredible talent and hard work these kids put in every year.  Regardless of school, district or state.  There are amazing shows being put on everywhere.  Lets focus on that.


Go marching band everywhere!!!!!!!

Exactly why I spoke up. Redirection back on point.


MFA asks bands to Grand Nationals? Have they asked Vista Ridge since last years big breakout? Have they asked Ronald Reagan the same thing? Who knows! We will see in the future when those Grand Nationals lists roll out in the new year! Wish we could see Westwood at Nats! But for now keeping them to ourselves in Texas is fine with me :P



Vista Ridge is going to Grand Nats next year, it has been confirmed.


I'm disappointed to learn I misjudged you. I will update my opinion and expectations accordingly.


I also abdicate my crown to you, with a word of caution. An eye for an eye can only lead to an endless cycle of escalation and a blind community.


I would also ask, with little expectation that you will listen, that in the future you just skip the "have a great day" nonsense. Your use of that phrase follows an obvious trend and passive aggression is still aggression.

let's finish this off so we can get back to the discussion at hand


First - my use of "have a nice day" is in no way intended to be a flippant remark or in any way intended as an act of passive aggression. I truly mean that when I say it


I live my life with the understanding that opinions are like feet, everyone has them and at some point in time they will all stink, that does not reduce their right to have those feet and I cannot just cut someones feet off because I do not like them. we are all entitled to our opinion and how we express it.


Second - as to abdicating your crown - chances are I already had it as I have had plenty of heat for my comments in the past.


Third - while someone made a comment about hiding behind a computer log in name - I make no bones about my bias, I have disclosed my name - and invited everyone on this site to join our GNats FB page that I administer - where once approved everyone can see my personal information - I hide behind nothing. 


you have obviously seen my posts in the past - I have repeatedly made it clear that my opinions are exactly that - mine, they do not represent the organization that I wholeheartedly support


it is a shame that we have come to a time when everyone feels that if you don't agree, then we are enemies. wish we could go back to a time when that was not the case


so I will say again - have a great evening and I hope to enjoy your comments on this board in the future


now lets get back to the Texas Invasion of Indy 


I can only imagine the expense Milalani must’ve had making it from Hawaii to Indianapolis

I can’t even imagine the ordeal it must have been for them, Maui, and Colony (AK) to travel to Indy for GrandNats, especially Mililani doing it twice!


I'm disappointed to learn I misjudged you. I will update my opinion and expectations accordingly.


I also abdicate my crown to you, with a word of caution. An eye for an eye can only lead to an endless cycle of escalation and a blind community.


I would also ask, with little expectation that you will listen, that in the future you just skip the "have a great day" nonsense. Your use of that phrase follows an obvious trend and passive aggression is still aggression.

It’s unfortunate that sometimes, people either don’t realize or acknowledge that their tone matters just as much as the message. It’s even more unfortunate when they’re willing to spend more time defending their tone, than discussing the message.


I’m so sad not to see Reagan at nats this year! That opening statement is so invigorating. Their show overall is so well designed. Something about the visual just really clicks with the music. There are a lot of “aha” moments. It’s such a good watch.


Hopefully y’all can plan a trip in the next few years!

They will. Them not going is all about short notice. When they went to Disney last year, we got 6 months notice to raise the funds. There is no way that some parents would be able to fork up $1500 in cash in two months.


Next year is a no go for them because of State. With how high WW rates their academics, parents would literally pull their kids out of band because they would miss too much school


I know!  :)  I love my Rangers, but I'm also a big Astros fan too.  Weird, I know, but you know me....I love it ALL!  :D


Growing up near Cincinnati, I've been a Reds fan since the Big Red Machine (just old enough to have watched them), but Houston was always my 2nd favorite out of the old NL West division. I'm probably one of the few that really didn't mind the old, brightly colored uniforms the Astros wore.


wow - I am sure no band in Texas ever thought to seek a donor/sponsor to cover the costs for a Indy Trip - appreciate the heads up - I will get Mark Cuban on the phone - appreciate the enormous service you have provided to our Texas bands. hey everyone - don't everyone call Cuban at once..... I got dibs


Wow... can some one please find this person their binky. Banddad? More like Bad Dad from South  Park.

Anyway, then maybe reach out to the Gates and their philanthropic organizations. In order to get a "True" grand national competition, there needs to be some sort of subsidy so that GN gets participation from its regional champions and while they are at it, throw in the state circuit champions. 


Dang, everybody wants the last word as if that makes them any more right.

I agree, if Reagan would go, they'd dominate at nats. Get the eagle. I think they're due to attend next year. I'm hoping for a Harvey Fully Loaded show. You can't deny it'd be the funnest show ever.


Dang, everybody wants the last word as if that makes them any more right.

I agree, if Reagan would go, they'd dominate at nats. Get the eagle. I think they're due to attend next year. I'm hoping for a Harvey Fully Loaded show. You can't deny it'd be the funnest show ever.


I think handing all the hardware to Reagan is a bit premature.... :)


Could it happen? Sure. I still stand by my comment that there will be at least 4 shows that compete with/beat them at SA, and that at least 2 of those shows are going to GN. So that means I think Reagan finishes anywhere from 1st to 5th at SA. No lower. CTJ had essentially an identical start in 2017, but by SA they were third in prelims, but came back to win finals. So they were caught, but persevered. I expect similar things this year. But it all starts to play out in 2 weeks. Should be fun.


Dang, everybody wants the last word as if that makes them any more right.

I agree, if Reagan would go, they'd dominate at nats. Get the eagle. I think they're due to attend next year. I'm hoping for a Harvey Fully Loaded show. You can't deny it'd be the funnest show ever.


Why do you feel Reagan would dominate...... visual package, music? What gives them that edge that suggest dominance at SA or GN? By the way, you do see the irony of you first statement.

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