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Next year is a whole new ballgame. If we have learned anything in Texas these past few years, it’s not to assume that a band will repeat the exact same success they had the year before. There are TONS of examples of that so let’s not go crowning Reagan the GN, BOA SA and UIL 2020 Champions just yet. ;) They’re completely amazing and all, but next year is a whole new season of incredible bands and THIS IS TEXAS! ❤️

Totally agree.  It will be interesting to see how it plays out next year.


Totally agree.  It will be interesting to see how it plays out next year.



Next year is a whole new ballgame. If we have learned anything in Texas these past few years, it’s not to assume that a band will repeat the exact same success they had the year before. There are TONS of examples of that so let’s not go crowning Reagan the GN, BOA SA and UIL 2020 Champions just yet. ;) They’re completely amazing and all, but next year is a whole new season of incredible bands and THIS IS TEXAS! ❤️


As a Vista dad, I only know one thing for sure about next year: it will be a lot less expensive and nerve wracking... for me, anyway.  Youngest band kid graduating and pressuring my daughter to join guard hasn't worked so far.  


I heard Leander may be going back to 5A, so that improves our chance at a repeat for state, right there!


Let me say first that Avon was awesome and worthy of a top 5 finish.....but.....


Hebron was better overall than Avon.


Hebron and Vandy were the 1 and 2 bands out there. Vandy was clearly the best but Hebron's music (THAT BRASS!!!!) set it apart from Avon, in my opinion.  I thought Avon's performance concentrated too much on the French Horn soloist (who was fantastic, by the way) but I wanted to hear the entire band much more.


I'm sure Hebron is happy with 3rd but I just think they deserved 2nd.


And I have no idea if the trombone player for CTJ or his parent or anyone affiliated with him are on this board....BUT....


If that kid does ANYTHING but share his musical talent in adult career, it will be a waste.  I've seen some other-generational, high school talent before but that kid was far and away the best player I've ever seen.  I was speechless watching that feature. 


And someone tweeted that it was improv???  Are...you....kidding me?!?!? 


Seriously, I would hate to see talent like that wasted on something other than a music career.


I have passed along your post to both he and his dad. Thanks for the post, he's very appreciative and dad is, of course, incredibly proud. Congrats to all of team Texas for all placing in the top 9. Congrats to Vandegrift for bringing the eagle back to Texas. Let's see if we can keep it here. :)


Thanks! That's awesome!  The interview Saturday said so much about him and his family.  Incredibly impressive young man.


Let me say first that Avon was awesome and worthy of a top 5 finish.....but.....


Hebron was better overall than Avon.


Hebron and Vandy were the 1 and 2 bands out there. Vandy was clearly the best but Hebron's music (THAT BRASS!!!!) set it apart from Avon, in my opinion. I thought Avon's performance concentrated too much on the French Horn soloist (who was fantastic, by the way) but I wanted to hear the entire band much more.


I'm sure Hebron is happy with 3rd but I just think they deserved 2nd.

You may be thinking of Carmel with the show centered around the French horn soloist. Avon’s show was called Unbaroquen and featured the most incredible colorguard in the entire world.



You may be thinking of Carmel with the show centered around the French horn soloist. Avon’s show was called Unbaroquen and featured the most incredible colorguard in the entire world.

Speaking of Carmel, that show grew on me throughout GN. Some absolutely breathtaking moments! (Especially in the ballad)


I love Carmel, but I’ve never particularly enjoyed the style of show that revolves around one soloist (although their horn player was amazing). I feel like putting a lot of the responsibility for the effect of a show on one person is too much pressure, but that’s just my take on it.


I love Carmel, but I’ve never particularly enjoyed the style of show that revolves around one soloist (although their horn player was amazing). I feel like putting a lot of the responsibility for the effect of a show on one person is too much pressure, but that’s just my take on it.

You're not alone in this. There were a few people in Indiana questioning the decision too. The performance at Indy Super when the soloist was by the front ensemble due to a sprained ankle was by far the best performance I've heard out of her. Running around and having to play such a difficult melody is a lot to ask from one. Shows can absolutely succeed on the backs of a single soloist, but it's a very delicate balance that Carmel struggled with.


Speaking of Carmel, that show grew on me throughout GN. Some absolutely breathtaking moments! (Especially in the ballad)


It really did grow onto me as the season progressed. The Who Wants to Live Forever ballad and We Are Champions closer were some of my favorite parts of the season- just so well written and terrifically performed by the band.


I personally would love to see leander take a break from the minimalist music and heavy reliance on electronics in terms of design. I think the performance quality is definitely there for Leander to fill a show with fresh takes on orchestral and wind band works and combine it with their modern choreo to create a hit. The visual design is top notch as far as I'm concerned. I personally love the music. However, it's been a trend ever since leander switched to minimalist works in 2014 that a music GE judge has been less than floored by them (placed them outside of the top 5, sometimes even out of the top 10)in an important round of contest at the end of the season.


I'm not saying I know better or that I don't like leanders current identity, but the numbers are pretty clear. It's in the programs history as well. Leander used to be introduced as the marching wind symphony. Basically, I'd love to see a marriage of these two identities.


I personally would love to see leander take a break from the minimalist music and heavy reliance on electronics in terms of design. I think the performance quality is definitely there for Leander to fill a show with fresh takes on orchestral and wind band works and combine it with their modern choreo to create a hit. The visual design is top notch as far as I'm concerned. I personally love the music. However, it's been a trend ever since leander switched to minimalist works in 2014 that a music GE judge has been less than floored by them (placed them outside of the top 5, sometimes even out of the top 10)in an important round of contest at the end of the season.


I'm not saying I know better or that I don't like leanders current identity, but the numbers are pretty clear. It's in the programs history as well. Leander used to be introduced as the marching wind symphony. Basically, I'd love to see a marriage of these two identities.

Agreed, Leander is talented enough to not use as many bells and whistles as they do. The use of props and the colorguard is great, but I'd like to see a music and visual book akin to Color Study. IMO they haven't made a production that has surpassed that show in terms of design.


Agreed, Leander is talented enough to not use as many bells and whistles as they do. The use of props and the colorguard is great, but I'd like to see a music and visual book akin to Color Study. IMO they haven't made a production that has surpassed that show in terms of design.

I’d argue Choral Works at least comes close, but agreed


I've gone back and rewatched L.D. 2007 and I have to ask, can someone explain the concept or plot to the show? I love it and think it's fantastic, just want to grasp the idea a little more.



I've gone back and rewatched L.D. 2007 and I have to ask, can someone explain the concept or plot to the show? I love it and think it's fantastic, just want to grasp the idea a little more.

I think it was somewhat based off of the movie “Pan’s Labyrinth” but someone can probably explain it much better than I can :P


I personally would love to see leander take a break from the minimalist music and heavy reliance on electronics in terms of design. I think the performance quality is definitely there for Leander to fill a show with fresh takes on orchestral and wind band works and combine it with their modern choreo to create a hit. The visual design is top notch as far as I'm concerned. I personally love the music. However, it's been a trend ever since leander switched to minimalist works in 2014 that a music GE judge has been less than floored by them (placed them outside of the top 5, sometimes even out of the top 10)in an important round of contest at the end of the season.


I'm not saying I know better or that I don't like leanders current identity, but the numbers are pretty clear. It's in the programs history as well. Leander used to be introduced as the marching wind symphony. Basically, I'd love to see a marriage of these two identities.

I think it's too much in our identity to see a change anytime soon, although I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Personally, I know us performers absolutely love our current style, even if the numbers can get a little low. Our director always drills into us that it's not about the judges or the scores, it's about the audience, and that's why our shows tend to cater more towards the excitement that comes with modern electronics rather than more orchestral pieces, and spicing them up if we do use them (ex: actual fabric explosions during 1812). At the end of the day it doesn't matter where we place so long as we can get the audience on their feet at the end. It would definitely be interesting to see what we could do with more classical pieces musically, though I think (and of course I don't speak for everyone) us kids would love to stick with our current direction.


I think it's too much in our identity to see a change anytime soon, although I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Personally, I know us performers absolutely love our current style, even if the numbers can get a little low. Our director always drills into us that it's not about the judges or the scores, it's about the audience, and that's why our shows tend to cater more towards the excitement that comes with modern electronics rather than more orchestral pieces, and spicing them up if we do use them (ex: actual fabric explosions during 1812). At the end of the day it doesn't matter where we place so long as we can get the audience on their feet at the end. It would definitely be interesting to see what we could do with more classical pieces musically, though I think (and of course I don't speak for everyone) us kids would love to stick with our current direction.

Oh I completely agree with all of this, I'm just curious what an orchestral leander show would sound like because y'all play so well. Keep up the great work!


I think it's too much in our identity to see a change anytime soon, although I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Personally, I know us performers absolutely love our current style, even if the numbers can get a little low. Our director always drills into us that it's not about the judges or the scores, it's about the audience, and that's why our shows tend to cater more towards the excitement that comes with modern electronics rather than more orchestral pieces, and spicing them up if we do use them (ex: actual fabric explosions during 1812). At the end of the day it doesn't matter where we place so long as we can get the audience on their feet at the end. It would definitely be interesting to see what we could do with more classical pieces musically, though I think (and of course I don't speak for everyone) us kids would love to stick with our current direction.

Great response Abby. The Leander kids definitely love what they’re doing show-wise these days, and it absolutely gets the crowd on their feet. Mr. Selaiden has really never been about winning a competition so much as band member and audience enjoyment. And Leander has that in spades. :)


Agreed, Leander is talented enough to not use as many bells and whistles as they do. The use of props and the colorguard is great, but I'd like to see a music and visual book akin to Color Study. IMO they haven't made a production that has surpassed that show in terms of design.

I know Color Study was the year Leander really cemented their place with the Texas elite, but I found that show to be a huge yawner. Sorry! :lol:


Vandy will run into problems with their guard. If they don't toss anything or use weapons, when you compare to the two best color guards in the country (Avond and Carmel) I don't see how you can keep a high VGE or VPE score as both are modestly dependent on guard.


Vandy scored very well.  Indiana guards were amazing to watch. Entire event was unreal.  So much talent.  

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