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2019 BOA Dallas/ Fort Worth Regional

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It's worth noting that while it was close in finals, that Keller had a 1.5 point lead over Marcus in prelims.  Contest dynamics had something to do with that for sure, but Keller had a pretty incomplete visual package that is expected to be filled in this week.

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I’m going to stay home and catch it (and Houston) on FloMarching. My plans with my friend who lives in Hurst fell through, and I really was nervous about the heat anyway, so I’m just going to relax and stay home!

I'll be switching through the broadcasts all day... too bad FloMo and Reagan go on at the same time in prelims :(

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I think it’s odd considering they moved Keller to #13 on the top 32 and kept Marcus at #16. I think they are just anticipating some surprises...

I Honestly think that HornRank based their ranks on past years stats.... which definitely doesn’t apply here in Texas...

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I personally feel like HornRank got both of the head to head matchups wrong. Here's how I see this contest playing out.


1 - Hebron. Hebron does NOT play on Grand Nats years. They're going to come out of the gates swinging. The only reason they didn't take this contest in 2015 is they were going up against a monster show in FloMo's 'Surreal'. We all know how '360' turned out, taking the highest ever score in BOA and was the reason for BOA to start the bottom half/top half format of finals after tragically going first in GN finals and landing 3rd. Getting back to 2019, the level of musicianship we heard in that clip from Hebron about a month ago is mind-blowing. The pictures we saw of their props show that this production is going to be incredibly visually engaging. I see Hebron taking music and GE and seriously establishing themselves as an Eagle contender.


2 - FloMo. FloMo is incredibly polished at early season Regionals. I don't know how they're able to get as much on the field as they do and as clean as they do so fast. My only complaint about their show from the video that leaked is that they're playing music from 'Surreal'. I'm rarely a fan of when a band re-uses music from a past show. My mind will constantly be comparing them no matter how well it is performed. I have faith in FloMo, though, and I'm sure this will be another stellar production. I see FloMo taking visual.


3 - Keller. Keller has been playing the slow and steady game the last few years. Every show has been a step up in difficulty and design. This show is no different. In fact, this show feels like an even bigger step forward than in years past. I love the design and this is the best I've heard Keller sound this early in the season (which is saying a lot, because they're incredibly musically talented). I would not be surprised to see the gap between 2 & 3 be less than some are expecting.


4 - Marcus. I respect the heck out of the Marcus program. I really hope they are able to bounce back to the level they had in the Drinkwater era. The level of musicianship in LISD North is incredible, and a lot of that starts in the feeder programs, so the talent is definitely still there. A lot can happen in a week, but I think the head-to-head match up between Marcus and Keller at HEB, with Keller taking the majority of the captions, favors Keller here. I will happily eat crow if I'm wrong, though. I can't wait to see their show and see the direction that their new director takes the program.


5 - LD Bell. I will never bet against LD Bell finishing in the top 5 at DFW until I see it with my own eyes. Based on the video I've seen of them, I don't think they're quite at the level of the top 4, but they're still incredibly talented.


6 - Waxahachie. I believe Waxahachie is similar to Keller in making steady improvements year over year. I've been a fan of their shows for a while now. They have amazing musicianship. I would love to see them take some risks in design now that they're in 6A and this is not a state year.


After the Top 6, I'm not so sure. Here are the bands I see fighting for the last few spots (somewhat in order).


Prosper. Prosper is another band that plays incredibly well. I'm not sure exactly what to expect from them after a school split and a director change, but I expect that they will continue to see success coming off of a Grand Nats finals appearance.


Timber Creek. Timber Creek is another one that is going through some staff changes. I'm a huge fan of the TC program and was really hoping to see them continue to climb the ladder of success. It'll be interesting to see how they fare here. I really wish them the best of luck.


Coppell. After narrowly missing finals here last year, Coppell will be looking to prove that they belong in finals. The number of All-Staters that come out of Coppell is mind-blowing so they have the talent, hands down. I would love to see them produce another show like Fury in 2013 (look it up if you haven't seen it).


Wakeland. Wakeland is incredibly consistent in producing great shows. This is a 5A state year for them, so they will be performing the heck out of the show.


Owasso. I've been a huge fan of Owasso ever since their 3rd place finish at San Antonio in 2004. Their Kill Bill show in 2015 was one of my favorites. I was very disappointed to hear about them having a slightly off year last year, but I really hope they can bounce back to their previous levels.


Keller Central. KC has the musical talent, I would just like to see them take some more risks in show design. If they have a great prelims performance, I could definitely see them playing tomorrow night.

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Keller- I’m biased so here are my probably biased thoughts. I think the props are a little cheesy but they do add color and tell a story. Usually not a fan of voice overs but I actually really like how they used the voices of the drum majors and soloists and not just some random person. Love the field coverage at the beginning. every moment is presented so clearly visually and musically. I really like how the ballad starts off small (musically and visually) and then grows and grows to become absolutely massive. They are using the space at the front of the field so much and in such an effective way. The high cam misses some stuff happening all the way in the end zones with some sabers in the ballad. I think the pit placement isn’t meshing well with FLO’s audio placement so things sound a bit weird in the pit. Too bad Hebron will overshadow any other musical performance today because Keller plays extremely well. And I thought they gave a really impressive visual performance too.

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I agree- Wakeland's show was very enjoyable. I think we will probably see them again tonight, which of course is no surprise. It did highlight to me, though the difficulty in Keller's drill. I am not as familiar with that aspect of marching band as I never have actually marched, so I disnt even realize how difficult it must be until I watched another group. There were certainly very challenging moments in both shows, but it seems like Keller's show has lots of extremely fast and exposed drill moves.

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Waxahachie - love the show title. I think we’ll be seeing a lot of panache in their music playing! It’s already so fun with that piano!! I love their almost dreamy flute solo. The gorgeous piano returns for the ballad. Waxahachie is going all out on this jazz! Waxahachie wasn’t as clean as Wakeland but the demand certainly makes up for it, there’s a really good chance we’ll see both in finals tonight.

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