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As is the case with any band out there right now, the majority of the visual/GE flair hasn’t been added in yet. Summer band just ended! I imagine that would be why the music was the most memorable/obvious factor right now.


The directors at Hebron are brilliant, and they have a stellar design staff (pretty sure they have Kevin Nix as show designer, who was at Reagan in the early 2000s - someone correct me if I’m wrong). I’m sure they’ll be just fine amping it up for nationals.

I do believe Hebron has Kevin Nix, who writes drill for Keller as well.


Edit: Read the post above mine so I guess I’m wrong about Hebron.


Thanks. Who is now?

I know Frank Miller is their show designer but I’m not aware of their other visual staff members. However I wouldn’t sleep on them for visual this year...if anyone remembers the visual program they had last year (difficult drill but a little dirty), I’m sure it’ll be a step above that this year. And based on everything I’ve heard about for this year, it sounds like they actually have a genuine story for their show this year!

That's good to hear! More music to choose from is always a good thing.




I'm actually a bit surprised that the costu-forms (or whatever you call them) haven't caught on sooner in BOA. By that, I mean the full-on costumes, not just the slight uniform embellishments. From the late 90s to the early 00s, the top BOA groups were actually a bit ahead of DCI in the innovation department. But that seems to have flipped a little bit in recent years. TWHS is one of the groups I would have expected to adopt costumes a couple years ago, if only because their main show designer is the Bluecoats' main show designer. But I understand that cost can be an issue for any group. Now, how do I feel about a band dressing up like sailors? I don't know. Honestly, it sounds fun, but also a little hokey. It makes me wonder what kind of show they're going for, if that's actually what they're doing. Are they just recreating the On the Town musical on the field? That would be different from the On the Waterfront show, which had nothing to do with the movie besides the music. Instead, that show was a very literal interpretation of being on a waterfront.


I took my former band member to the preview last night where they only performed the opener. Of course, since it wasn't at the stadium, it is impossible to tell much of anything about the show or what their real design intentions are yet (even if it was at the stadium they aren't exactly tipping their hand yet anyway as the props aren't completed, etc.). I do know a (very) few things that I can't share, and I have some guesses (I think the focus will be more on the sailor's night out at the various clubs and not the city), so it may be more akin to the stage show (certainly not the film, as they removed most of the Bernstein music from that). We'll see how it works out, with some more info coming out at the Houston Regional in 1.5 months.


TWHS preview was fun to watch, but really hard to see much standing on the grass in front of the parking lot. :) I’m excited to see them as they start performing at football games next Saturday. The kids sure seem to like the music, and the props have some great potential if they all work as planned. :)


They didn’t hold it in the football stadium?

If memory serves right, the on-campus stadium isn't much better haha. Woodforest, where BOA Conroe is held, is the stadium where all TW home games happen.


Nope. Football stadium was booked for meet the players- college park had the am, TWHS had the pm. They’ve never done the exhibition at the stadium at the end of band camp. It just costs too much and is too hard to get booked (5 high schools share it) to use for that. It’s always in the parking lot with the booster bbq social afterwards.


If memory serves right, the on-campus stadium isn't much better haha. Woodforest, where BOA Conroe is held, is the stadium where all TW home games happen.

They try to avoid using the on campus field. It’s always muddy and pit instruments sink into the grass from what I’ve heard. It’s also on the complete opposite side of campus from the band hall and there isn’t an easy access point for them to bring the equipment to it. The benefits are less than the negatives.


Nope. Football stadium was booked for meet the players- college park had the am, TWHS had the pm. They’ve never done the exhibition at the stadium at the end of band camp. It just costs too much and is too hard to get booked (5 high schools share it) to use for that. It’s always in the parking lot with the booster bbq social afterwards.



They try to avoid using the on campus field. It’s always muddy and pit instruments sink into the grass from what I’ve heard. It’s also on the complete opposite side of campus from the band hall and there isn’t an easy access point for them to bring the equipment to it. The benefits are less than the negatives.


I'm feeling more fortunate that our on-campus stadium is artificial turf and our varsity stadium is right across the street!  It was a treat seeing our preview from up in the stands.


I'm feeling more fortunate that our on-campus stadium is artificial turf and our varsity stadium is right across the street! It was a treat seeing our preview from up in the stands.

Same. Though that Booster BBQ afterwards sure sounded nice. :D


Leander HS 2019 Production ~ Radioactive


Featuring the following:


Philip Glass ~ Einstein on the Beach

John Adams ~ Panic from the Dr. Atomic Symphony

Karl Jenkins ~ The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace

Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture

Trombone Shorty ~ Suburbia

Britney Spears ~ Toxic

Somehow I overlooked up until tonight that Leander is playing A Mass for Peace. I’m guessing that will be the ballad? If so, I am going to have a hard time in Indy holding myself together when they play it. Castle played it in their gut wrenching tribute show to Sophie in 2017. When we return to Indy, where I last saw and heard Sophie sing, well let’s just say it’s going to be quite emotional. Rest In Peace sweet girl. I’m so honored to have heard your beautiful voice in person. I’m sure that God and His angels listen to it every day.


A&M Consolidated H.S., TX — “Seasons of Life”
College Station H.S., TX — “Written in the Stars”
J.M. Hanks H.S., TX — “City of Gold”
Lockhart H.S., TX — “Interwoven”
Marble Falls H.S., TX — “Lose Yourself”
Robert Vela H.S., TX — “Surfing Channel One”
Rudder H.S., TX — “Some Rain Must Fall”
San Benito H.S., TX — “To the Summit”
Sherman H.S., TX — “Spring Eternal”
United H.S., TX — “Flight 751”


Oak Ridge - joyUS


Symphony 9 Ode to Joy - Beethoven

Noisy Wheels of Joy - Eric Whitacre

When She Loved Me - Randy Newman

JoyRIDE- Michael Markowski


some Disney music


I like this


Leander HS 2019 Production ~ Radioactive


Featuring the following:


Philip Glass ~ Einstein on the Beach

John Adams ~ Panic from the Dr. Atomic Symphony

Karl Jenkins ~ The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace

Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture

Trombone Shorty ~ Suburbia

Britney Spears ~ Toxic

Leander Parent Preview was moved to tomorrow night at 6:30 at Bible Stadium, next door to Leander HS. Y’all come!

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