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Is there such thing as a practice mute... like a mute I can put in my trumpet at 9 o'colock when the neighbors are alseep so its not loud and only I can hear it. If so what kind is it and about how much are they. lol yea im sure the neighbors are tired of calling and yellin that its too late to be practicing an insturment. :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Silent Brass system right now as a matter of fact.


Its good when you need to get some late night practice in, but dont over use it. Just from playing with the mute, it creates a lot of resistance (which, depending on how much you use it, can be a good or bad thing). If you use it too much, it can screw up your sound. But if you used it occasionally it will teach you to use your air more effeciently.

  • 1 month later...

I think they're like a hundered or more? But you can get a $15 mute from your local H&H it's just a standard straight mute my brother has one they seem to work fine but there's no headphones and they're not completly silent...


Yea I was just thinking about getting just a straight mute, that will do the trick for now.


A Straight mute want make you sound any softer. At lest it shouldn't. If it does then you not using the right amout of air to play the with the mute or your trumpet.

As for pratice mutes. You have two chooses. For about $150 you came buy a stilent brass mute. These mutes are cool because they have a micorphone built into the mute. you get a box that you can pluge headphones in and listen to yourself. But there are some down sides. The sound quality not ever good. It kind of goes back to the idea of not facing your bell at the person your performing to. The mute itself also adds all of resistances to the horn. People who tend to plaay with the mute alot tend to have a raspy tone.

The second choose is probability the best. Its a pratice mute put out by Denis Wick. It looks kind of like a one of those cheap card board mutes. The mute make you as soft as the silent brass, but without the added resistance. This mute runs somewhere between $50 and $60. Much cheaper that the silent brass and in I think much better.

Is there such thing as a practice mute... like a mute I can put in my trumpet at 9 o'colock when the neighbors are alseep so its not loud and only I can hear it. If so what kind is it and about how much are they. lol yea im sure the neighbors are tired of calling and yellin that its too late to be practicing an insturment. :lol:

9 o'clock isn't late. I practice at 1am sometimes.


haha he does...i can't practice past 9 because my parents and brother are asleep, and i happen to play loud when i practice. i begged for a silent brass system, but noooo, they wouldn't buy me one. it sucks....

haha he does...i can't practice past 9 because my parents and brother are asleep, and i happen to play loud when i practice. i begged for a silent brass system, but noooo, they wouldn't buy me one. it sucks....

play loud anyways, then say "if you had gotten me the silent brass thing, you wouldn't have to listen to me at 2 am in the morning :D"

  • 8 months later...

My older brother plays with a cloth mute when he is practicing. It goes over the bell and muffles the sound and creates slightly more pressure without affecting the tone quality. He says you can use it as an alternative to a straight mute, too, but I can't quite remember what it's called, though. I think it was only like thirty bucks.


First post!

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