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Directors Choice Events 2020

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This was a topic late last year as Directors Choice was trying to break in as the new competitive circuit in Texas. it appears that while BOA and USBands are looking at Virtual events, Directors Choice still has the Alamodome for November 7th for their championship - while there are only 5 programs currently listed, the website shows that they have the Directors from Vista Ridge and Vandegrift as judges.

Considering the advancement of UIL Marching this year on a delayed schedule, decreased infection rates in Texas and the loss of so many other performance opportunities. Could this event actually take off in November?  only 5 bands currently scheduled but registration is still open, so I wonder how many may sign on as programs continue to reopen their practices to face to face teaching and begin putting together a program for either UIL or even a Football halftime show that they could enter into this event.


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Looks like they cancelled the events.

From their website:

The Director’s Choice plans to host several marching band contests this fall has been met with excitement from bands across the southwest United States. The design sessions have been spirited and productive with many insightful ideas being considered. The assistance and input from so many educators has been welcome and very helpful. However, at this time we have made the difficult decision to postpone until the fall of 2021 due to the continued concerns regarding the augmented spread of COVID-19 in the communities we serve.”

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