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Well the event is underway!

Sharyland Pioneer-

First off, the pre-opener threw me off 😆. Took me a minute to realize that their pre-opener is them walking to their spot. The show was very fascinating! The idea of the different stages of metal put into different movements, really cool! They sounded very nice musically, and had an overall good marching performance. I really loved the use of Sound garden's Black Hole Sun in their third movement! Overall, amazing performance Pioneer and congratulations on Advancing to State!


Edit- Just noticed 2 things, they had a Bassoon solo, which is really unique, and also, this was a steam punk based show!



GOOD MORNING FOSTER! I'm legit speechless after watching that run! They sounded amazing and were epic in the visual department as well! I really liked everything about their show! Congratulations Foster HS!


College Station-

I really liked the show! The use of David Bowie and Pink Floyd made for a really interesting show! The ballad was really good and the closer was really nice, and paid a tribute to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon! Congratulations to College Station!


I'll be signing off now, best of luck to the rest of the 5A bands!!

3 minutes ago, TrebleMaker2 said:

Has anyone else lost the feed? Ours dropped during Roma! Just buffering forever.

Yep, exactly what happened up here in Leander as well! I really wanted to see Roma!


Same here with the buffering stream. Well, I had it for a moment there and then back to buffering.

Someone is having a really, really bad day in the Alamodome today. Would not want to be them right now.

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