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After 4 years of high school region band auditions and 1 year from middle school:

--never made all-state

--never made area

--never even made region!


But to be honest (don't tell my band directors), I never wanted to make region band in the first place. I only went b/c at our school you have to at least go to the auditions to be considered for the top band.

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Well, I think it's an awesome idea to have a thread for people who didn't make it! I've made district and region for 2 years and area for 3--I know that sound weird but 4A's in my region have a separate tryout to advance to area because not enough 4As make region band---but I've never made All-State! I always have a bad audition at these things. Anyway, the bad part is, my school's probably going to be a 5A next year which means I'd have to be in the TOP of my region band to even get my 4th year of Area next year. I made it at 41st out of 51 this year. So basically, my chances of ever making it are very, very bleak :(

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well, in my 4 years of high school, I've only made all-region my junior and senior year, but that was after I stopped taking it so seriously. I did get to go to state solo & ensemble on my solo my senior year. When I was touring colleges, all the guys I talked to said that all-state doesn't really make a comment on you as a musician, and now I know what they're talking about. In my college career, I've proved myself a better player than several 5A and 4A all-state members, and I've discovered several musical talents (such as having perfect/good relative pitch). Not to mention that a saxophone player who happens to be an ATSSB all-state member becoming one of the best musicians at our school and who just started his own jazz band.


All in all, my point is, if you didn't make it, don't be too disappointed, because you may grow in your musical talents way after high school!

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My freshmen year I couldn't go cause my bro was in the hospital and this year I worked reallly really hard and didn't make it cause I freaked during auditions it was so bad my freshmen beat me :( I was so depressed....Then I got a 3 at S&E!!! Could anything worse happen? Yes my freshmen got a one on his and I'm first chair how does that work?

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yes. i hope to make it in the 2 yrs i have left.

6th & 7th: I didnt care about band.

8th: went but made like 35/40

9th: I started caring bout band. Practiced ALOT. made 10/65ish(top freshman)

10th: I practiced my @$$ off. i made 6/60ish (3rd best sophmore. top 3 were seniors. and the next 4 were sophomores.

11th-12th: i hope to do better. OMG. the sophmore ppl r very competitive. the nxt 2 yrs will NOT be easy. im gonna work my anus off again. and NOT mess up like i did this yr. :(

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7th grade...."all-city honor band" band (cause thats what garland had)

8th grade- all-region symphonic band (i moved to pearland)

9th grade all region band...

10 grade all region

11 all region...

12th...all-region and 3 out of area...*cries* but hey...gettin to be 13th in phase one out of like...200.. and then 21st at phase 2 ....and getting to sit on the front row under the direction of Noe Marmelejo was friggin awesome.


But hey..

I made "Michelle All-State" yeah thats right.

what now.

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let's see

7th grade-alternate to region band

8th grade- 2nd chair symphonic region band

9th grade- 12th chair region

10th grade- 3rd chair region, 2nd chair area, 13th chair state

11th grade- 2nd chair region, 3rd chair area(alternate to state)

12th grade- 2nd chair region, 3rd chair area(alternate to state)

so pretty much i reached a plateu or maybe it was because i stopped caring

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i hate all region gosh i did it. but like everyone there had their music for like a few months and i only had it for 2 weeks which is soo not fair!!! but owell

It's perfectly fair. Nothing was stopping you from going to the store and buying it. Everyone finds out what it is at the same time.

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It's perfectly fair.  Nothing was stopping you from going to the store and buying it.  Everyone finds out what it is at the same time.

or asking your directors for that matter when it was passed out


for those of yall who are doing that year thinggy, heres mine


7th grade...All City Band Auditions 18/25 saxes (6 taken)

8th grade...All City Band Auditions 13/22 saxes (7 taken)

9th grade...All Region Auditions 37/38 saxes (8 taken)


hopefully i can turn that around with some butt kicking practicing everyday

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