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Top Corp in '06


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I haven't picked out the top corps yet, but I do have a top three:


The Cadets, with their bells and whistles and yet, subliminal design.


Phantom Regiment, performing Mahler in a Faust-like style that may prove to be the greatest Regiment show....EVER!!!


The Blue Devils, returning to their roots and getting all badass with The Godfather.

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Well i will now say my predictions:


The Corps who will do well:


Phantom Regiment is celebrating it's 50 Aniversary which means the show is bound to be one of the Greatest ever.


The Cavis always do well so i gotta say them.


SCV will be making a stand to show last year was just a fluke and with Moto Perpetuo i think they will make some noise


The Corp i don't think will do so hot:


The Cadets are on a up swing but i don't think it will last this year.


Blue Coats they won't be able to keep up with PR or Cavies


And thats my predictions

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My top 12 in order:


1) Blue Devils

2) Cavaliers

3) Bluecoats

4) Cadets

5) Carolina Crowm

6) Phantom Regiment

7) Santa Clara Vanguard

8) Madison Scouts

9) Boston Crusaders

10) Glassmen

11) Blue Knights

12) Crossmen



This is without hardly any idea of what some of the corps are doing. I know BD is doing The Godfather, Part Blue. The Cavaliers are doing something (correct me if I am wrong) original. Bluecoats has a show called Connexus in the works. Cadet's music (as of right now from the clips) is not that good to me. Crown has a great brassline (expect great things). Phantom--haven't heard anything to really talk about. Santa Clara is in a rebuilding year-but you never know. The Scouts are probably playing something Latin. Glassmen, Blue Knights, and Crossmen to balance the last three spots.


This year is going to be a fun one. Innovation is on the rise. Music is shifting into more of a balance state between technique and in-your-face loud type of playing. I wonder how cool the drill is going to be. How will the new rules change the corps? And will Madison ever play something besides Latin Music :P ?


I picked the Blue Devils to take all the marbles because of their consistant excellence. They always have a great hornline. The Cavaliers are second in my book because only since about 2000 have they been 'good' and I just don't see how Michael Gaines can write any better drill. Bluecoats will have an amazing year. David Glasgow has turned this corps into a true contender. He knows how to get things done. Cadets in fourth because, once again, of their clips. It just doesn't seem to be a great arrangement. Carolina Crown is on the similar paths of the Bluecoats. Those kids know how to play their horns with dynamics. Phantom Regiment--who knows. SCV might make some kicks going into Final's week. Last year resembled a change in their program. Expect them to be back in 2007 for their how show in the Rose Bowl. Madison--Latin music-again. Glassmen ?. Blue Knights?. I picked the Crossmen to beat out Spirit and the Colts for the coveted last spot in finals.

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To early to tell who's going to be on top. But, here is who I'm looking forward to this summer....



Absolutely love the direction that this corps is going in. LOVED last year's music and '06 sounds just as great.


Blue Devils

After what happened this past summer, the 'Godfather' show sounds very promising.



Like the Blue Devils, the concept sounds promising.


Phantom Regiment

Just because of the music. Sounds like it's going to be emotional as heck.


Santa Clara Vanguard

Looks like the SCV of old is back. New show direction, new staff. In addition, Mike McCool, Vanguard Program Coordinator from 1997-2001, is back in his old position.


The Cadets

I really like this new style of The Cadets. This is the type of stuff that I love hearing on the field. What I'm really looking forward to most in the 2006 show is the section with White Rabbit & Pollock's 'Alone in a Crowd.'

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So let me get this striaght Euro Euph, we shouldn't say Phantom will do well this year becasue they placed 10th before, and because they only have one Title. What is the lowest that Carolina has placed before, how many titles have they won. Phantom has made Finals every year they've been around. How many other corps can say the same thing. Many can and i congratulate them. But can Carolina ,whom you seem so fond of beating PR, say that? Anyway i agree lets wait till summer for the real corps to show who was right or wrong.

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I have all of those show on my computer plus anything in between those years and 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980-1985, and 1989. So I have done my homework.

Haha, I used to be like you, but then I started downloading music, and well, some things just had to be deleted.

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Also (as a sidenote) Phantom Regiment has only beaten the Blue Devils 4 times: 1978, 1989, 1991, and 1993. So think about it.....







Huh....this list of scores from Finals in 2005 seems to disagree with you.



(DCI Major) DCI World Championships Finals, Foxboro, MA

August 13, 2005

Place Corps Score

1 The Cadets 99.150

2 The Cavaliers 97.625

3 Phantom Regiment 96.825

4 Blue Devils 95.250

5 Bluecoats 94.450

6 Madison Scouts 92.625

7 Carolina Crown 90.725

8 Santa Clara Vanguard 88.650

9 Boston Crusaders 88.400

10 Blue Knights 88.225

11 Glassmen 87.700

12 Spirit from JSU 86.075



Must be that "new math" they are teaching you kids nowadays.

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My bad--5 times since '74 including 2005. But it still doesn't take away from what BD has done.


But I am pretty sure my math is pretty decent. When you make a 630 out of 800 on the SAT in math, the "new math" is pretty good. It is the English department that you have to worry about. They might not teach us how to find fact carefully enough.

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My bad--5 times since '74 including 2005. But it still doesn't take away from what BD has done.


But I am pretty sure my math is pretty decent. When you make a 630 out of 800 on the SAT in math, the "new math" is pretty good. It is the English department that you have to worry about. They might not teach us how to find fact carefully enough.

English needs to go to some remote planet and die. End of story. When I grow up and be anything I'm NOT going to need to know the rhetorical strategies used in The Scarlet Letter to play professional baseball *just for example*

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Phantom has made Finals every year they've been around.

Not 72 or 73.


How many other corps can say the same thing?  Many can and i congratulate them.

Santa Clara Vanguard and Star of Indiana. That's all I can think of. Who is this many that you speak of?

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QUOTE (euro_euph06 @ Feb 8 2006, 07:13 PM)
My point was that people tend to assume that just because something special (a.k.a. A 50th anniversary) will automatically make a corps better.

I really don't think it's because of the 50th Anniversary as to why people are expecting the Phantom Regiment to finish so high.


It's because of the show. Look at the repertoire.

Resurrection Symphony - Symphony No. 2 (Gustav Mahler)

Ave Maria (Franz Biebl)

Scythian Suite (Sergei Prokofiev)


This show has Phantom Regiment written all over it. It reminds me of the glory days of the mid-1990's. Also, they are doing "Ave Maria" as their ballad. I can tell that that's going to be a fan favorite this year.


Another factor...no staff turnovers. Like you said earlier, people assume that just because a group was good one year that they will be good again the next year. Not always the case. It happened with the Santa Clara Vanguard in 2005 after their third place finish the previous year. However, you can't forget about the staff turnovers that the corps had in 2005. It played a role.

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it's fair game this year.


plain and simple... it's nearly impossible to call it this year.


For the record, I'm saying Phantom Regiment.


and on a side note, Cavaliers have been good for a while... just because they only won there first show in 92, seriously go back and watch some of the shows. The first show that really reminds me of being awesome was 85... the first rendition of The Planets. since then the corps has been up to par with at least the top 6 corps.


Cavies have, in my opinion, lost something they had before 2000, and that's entertainment. every Cavies show 2000, and before I've seen have been VERY entertaining. Every show after that, not so much.



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notice, I said In My Opinion.


I'm a bigger fan of the symphonic style of music alla 2000, and prior. The path they have taken from 2001-2005 or so, with the minimalist/original music has done three things to me.


A- 2001, 2002, 2003 sound the same. Not saying they are bad shows, because obviously they aren't. They just dont entertain me as much as Cavies shows did in the 90's.


B- 2005 was a very very well designed show, but the music bored me. ::shrugs:: sorry. Just not what I like to hear drum corps play... ever.


C- 2004 lacked very much emotional musical impact. Again a very well designed show, and I do enjoy it, but I felt something was missing.


Again, this is in my opinion. I've seen enough drum corps to know what I like, and that's just not it. I do enjoy watching the shows occasionally, butif I was given the choice between a show that was very well designed, but not as entertaining, and a show that was not designed well, or executed well, but entertained me, I'd pick the latter of the two.


Cavaliers used to play Symphonic music. I consider Niagra Falls, The Planets, Advent Collection (the 91 and 92 series), Revolution and Triumph, all great shows. I also consider 01-05 great shows. But they just dont please me as much.


that's all.


and by the way, 95 and and the latter shows are completely different. The design is completely different, the music is obviously comlpletely different... the only things that remained the same (save a few alterations) have been the corps uniforms.


my opinion



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2001, 2002, 2003 sound the same.

I'm pretty sure that the Cavaliers 2002 show is different from the 2001 and 2003 shows. Especially in the drum breaks. Original compositions are really started to diverse the corps. It gives the audience something new to listen to.


Entertainment wise, the Cavalier's 2002 drum break was downright awesome. The drill was downright awesome. Let's see if your band can have their shoulders square to the sideline and march at 180ish and moving in straight lines toward the center of the field all at the same time. And keep the theme of Frameworks, constant throughout the show. Not to mention that if a show lacks entertainment (a.k.a. GE) that you will not score a 99.15.

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The drill was downright awesome. Let's see if your band can have their shoulders square to the sideline and march at 180ish and moving in straight lines toward the center of the field all at the same time.

Done it. Not well, mind you, but our band has done it.

Wasn't very entertaining however.


Are there any videos of this show? I want to see someone do that well. :D:rolleyes:

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